Former Obama Admin Official Running for MA Governor Wants to Make MA Gun Laws Even Stricter

berwickGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Massachusetts already has very strict gun laws compared to many states, but it seems that one Democratic candidate for governor, Donald Berwick (a former Obama administration healthcare official who strongly supported the Affordable Car Act), wants to make things even worse for law abiding gun owners in Mass.

According to a recent announcement on his website, Berwick wants to do the following,  

– Federal advocacy and regional solutions. Many of the illegal guns in Massachusetts come across state lines from New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. I will be a relentless advocate for comprehensive national gun safety laws, and I will work with neighboring governors to crack down on interstate gun commerce.

– Assault weapons ban. Weapons of war have no place on our streets. I oppose automatic weapons and favor the strictest possible restrictions on semi-automatic and high magazine weapons.

– Comprehensive background checks. I support universal background checks with the teeth necessary to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals.

– One gun a month. I support Governor Patrick’s proposal to limit gun purchases in Massachusetts to one per month.

– Safety education. Lawful gun owners should be provided adequate education to ensure that they store firearms safely out of the reach of children.

If all of these things were passed under a Berwick governorship we could easily make the case that Mass would have the strictest gun laws in the nation.

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