France False Flag Shooting — Attackers SPLICED IN + COPS cut out + Man in bullet proof vest watches

Published on Jan 7, 2015 by dutchsinsinati

UPDATE January 9-10 2015 – BOOM! France False Flag! Charlie Hebdo “terrorist” MET WITH FRENCH PRESIDENT at Palace

You can’t make this stuff up! Unbelievable , but true. Video of the discovery here:…


Original post below:

January 7, 2015

Supposedly there were at least two gunmen on the street of Paris France shouting “allahu akbar” while shooting up the area. Supposedly these gunmen were going after the Charlie Hebdo magazine.

The “allahu akbar” shout was caught in this video from France24 (watch in 720p HD if possible)…

This video was shown on France24 television LIVE… supposedly “unedited”. Unfortunately, this “evidence” was highly edited.

In my opinion, Muslim / Islamic people are being SETUP .. being portrayed as “terrorists” when in reality these are scenes spliced in, and faked most likely.

Full written analysis for the visually impaired or the avid reader:

In the video, we can clearly see this “allahu akbar” scene was SPLICED in. The “gunmen” magically appear out of thin air AFTER the splice is done when they duck behind the chimney on the rooftop. No doubt about it.

First there were three SWAT police on the street at the intersection AS THE BLACK CAR IS STILL ROLLING in from the left hand side of the screen from around the corner of the building.

The police then magically DISAPPEAR in a quick edit done as the camera pans down behind the chimney.

Then , within 1-2 frames, or less than 1 second time, BOTH gunman appear in the street shouting “allahu akbar”.

The police magically disappear, no return gunfire, and were not shot (no police in swat gear or on bicycles reported hurt at that location).

On the roof , where the video is being filmed from, a man in body armor is seen crouching down, then getting up rather boldly to look over and direct the camera person where to point the camera.

You can see the man in the bullet proof vest point down the street at the three police in black (with white writing on their back). As they both duck down behind the chimney, the splice occurs.

Finally, at the end of the video , you see the man in the bullet proof vest again walking on the rooftop, another edit / splice , and the people with their hands in their pockets, texting and standing around while OTHERS run by in panic?!

Summed up, we have three SWAT police on the street below, and a man in body armor on the building rooftop above. The police do not engage the car pulling up, instead they are edited out, and the gunmen edited in… INSTANTLY.

The people milling around on the roof , are mixed with other people in all black clothing and white gloves. Strange for several people to be wearing those similar clothes, while others are normally dressed.

I’d like to know how they were able to edit and splice the video and get it up LIVE as it was going down, and I’d also like to know why three police were edited out BEFORE the shooting happened. Why is there a man on the roof in a bullet proof vest? Who are the people in black with white gloves?

And finally, I’d like to know how 2 gunman can appear within 1 frame less than 1 second when the police were edited out?!

5 thoughts on “France False Flag Shooting — Attackers SPLICED IN + COPS cut out + Man in bullet proof vest watches

  1. I have a pensive feeling that since these false flags are not working as to the millions that do not believe them anymore (just too many recently), This feeling is related to something really big that will be so terrible it may get them what they want. I can imagine many ways to accomplish this and any one of them could do it. They are not going to rest till they win.

    Just my thoughts.

    1. I agree, Susan. Theatre involves setting a stage for the act and they seem to want to get caught for their trickery. They are arrogant and often obvious to those who pay close attention but their productions are so sloppy and so frequent lately that even the blind could notice. It seems part of the deception?

  2. I’m right there with both of you.
    It does waste our time looking at these incidents but it also wakes more people up. And they’re so easy to see that very little time is wasted.
    This may, however, help them identify potential “problem” independent thinkers and actors. Who gets sent to the FEMA reeducation camps vs. who disappears?
    I think Benny Nut’n’yahoo emphasized the over all plan when he recently stated that “all of these attacks (presumably Paris, Sydney, Ottowa, Boston, etc.) are an international problem.”
    In other words, all of you countries we threaten with false flags had better get out there and fight Israel’s enemies for us. Or we’ll ratchet up the real death toll until you fight for us.

  3. Wow…definitely sloppy editing like he says. So obvious. As obvious as that blank they used to shoot the cop in the head.

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