French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent

isis_035Veterans Today

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called  ”Caliph,”  the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.

Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent.

We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:  

The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.”

The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad  and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies.

This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published by newspapers and other Web sites: the head of the “Islamic State” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has cooperated with the U.S. Secret Service, British and Israel to create an organization capable of attracting terrorist extremists from around the world.

Source: Radio

Another source corroborates this statement, the site Egy-press:

With photo support, a Iranian media discovers the true identity of the Emir Daash, a trained Zionist agent.

Iranian intelligence discovered the true and full identity of the Emir Daash, which is known under the name Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi; his real name is Elliot Shimon. Its role in Mossad secret agent in the Zionist espionage. His false name: Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim Al Al Badri Arradoui Hoseini.

The plan: get into the military and civilian heart of the countries that are declared as a threat to Israel in order to destroy to facilitate thereafter, the takeover by the Zionist state on the entire area of the Middle East in order to establish Greater Israel.

Here are the borders of the Zionist project, the “Greater Israel” or “Eretz Israel” for short.

These facts confirm the first that came out a few days ago, confirming that the Caliph Rolex is sent to Israel to sow chaos in neighboring countries the Zionist entity. Please note that EIIL announced it a few days ago that, to want to now take the “barbarians Jews”, a reference to Zionists besiege Gaza.

Practice! Having devastated the area of Israel, it will now allow the Americans and the Israelis to show the fingers as bloody terrorists to shoot at faster to defend the Zionist state, while the same let them proliferate and act with impunity for over two months now. Prepare a project they probably from the famous Arab Spring with the destabilization of Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Mali (among others). Clever!

Listen and listen again Bernard-Henri Lévy on these so-called Arab Spring:

After gathering the most fanatical of the world in one place, a veritable army of the devil is formed, filled with bloodthirsty murderers without mercy for their victims, they murder with a vengeance and in cold blood, filming their atrocities and relaying on social networks.

6 thoughts on “French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent

  1. And quite frankly, I said that was probably the case when ISIS first came on the scene; it is sop. Just like the Al Queda spokesmen who turned out to be jewish.

  2. Once again, Snowden telling us something that we already knew. Anyways, that explains why ISIL/ISIS refuses to attack Israel but attacks every other country around it.

    Man, these elitist bastards think we are so stupid. All I can say is that these days, they are the stupid ones because you can read them like a book.

  3. Just some important notes to “adjust” your thinking and to remind people things aren’t always what the media and government make them out to be.

    – In the first government of Russia in 1917, of the 512 highest offices, over 467 were Jews. Alexander Solzenitzn writes in his last book on Russian history that the Jews were responsible for the murder of over 66 million Russians (Ukrainians, Polish, Czechoslovakians, Latvians, Romanians, Hungarians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Bulgarians, etc.), all the commanders and high officers of the gulags, torture chambers and prison labor camps were Jews.

    – Marranos: A Spanish term for Jews who “faked” conversion but secretly continued to practice their Jewry and to undermine governments and religions. Marranos, or Crypto-Secret Jews, have faked conversion and even have become Catholic Cardinals, Archbishops, and maybe even a pope or three, have become Protestant Bishops and ministers, Pagan priests, and even Islamic clerics. John Kerry, Madeline Albright and General Wesley Clark, all three have been outed by investigative journalists as having come from generations and “centuries” of Jewish background; Nancy Pelosi and her husband come from generations of Argentinian Jewry, Supreme Sotomayer comes from generations of Latin American Jewry, and there are so many more. Let’s not forget the Rockefeller’s who come from a long line of Jewry.

    – Both an Iraqi Investigation in the past and one from British independent sources have detailed the Jewish background of the “Saudi Royal Family” who “converted” to Islam in the early 1900’s.

    – Russian president “Putin’s” parents were both Jews, Putin’s father was the chief cook or chef for both Lenin and Stalin. Putin and his mother “converted – re: Marranos” to Orthodox Christianity in 1960, as many Russian and Eastern Jews have done also in order to hide their Jewry in light of what the Jews did in Russia and its satellites in the past.

    – Obama’s mother was a Marxist Jews as was her parents, his father, if either Frank Marshall, or the Kenyan, or the Indonesian Mystic, all three are both radical Muslim or/and Marxist. Its a bit complicated to explain it all.

    Jews and Muslims both have competing tribes and cliques, both at times unite in a cause and at other times are at odds to the point of even sanctioning the killing of each other. Speeches of famous Rabbi’s through the centuries have condoned the murder of multitudes of their own people in order to further their cause to establish a One World Satanic Judeo-Freemasonic Dictatorship.

    In 1962, twelve Vatican Theologian/Historians, while researching documents and papers in the Vatican Archives, in their original languages, discovered the largest and longest world conspiracy in history which was published in a book called “The Plot Against the Church” under the pen name of “Maurice Pinay” [The entire book is available free online and/or from OMNI Christian Books of California, for $20]. The Vatican tried to stop the publication of this book but were too late, it had already been published and was hitting the bookshelves in Italy in 1962 with the help of several anonymous Cardinals and Bishops. This book explains not only the history of Jewry, its hand in the Protestant Deformation, in the establishment of Freemasonry, and Jewry’s many acts of treason against the very countries and persons who have been so foolish as to harbor, assist and help them. The Jews have been expelled from over 102 countries in history, from thousands of villages, towns and kingdoms, unfortunately, after they have done their damage of treason, usury, theft and even murder. This book explains the whole basis and methods of what is happening today and a conspiracy so big that most could not fathom its size and scope.

    We here look at ISIL, at the Saudi family, and others but lets also take note of the following:

    – Justices “Sotomayer-Marranso”, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer, Summers, Orzag, Emmanuel, Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Lew, Giethner, Feinstein, Schumer, Franks, Lautenberg, Wasserman, Bloomberg, all but one of the 33 Czars of Obama’s secret government are Jews, etc, etc, etc. Abortion, homosexuality, contraception, anti-Christian legislation, anti-gun legislation, hate crimes (ultimately to protect the Jews), pornography, etc, all have been promoted, championed, and legislated by Jewish lawyers, Jewish law firms, Jewish committee’s, organizations, and interests – the moral corruption of America is largely Jewish financed and legislated. Hollywood, all six major movie companies, and 99’% of all major media, including CNN and FOX, are owned by six Jewish families.

    – Near all spies caught in the US and in most of Europe, have been Jews.

    – In 1945, the KGB heavily infiltrated the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) later in 1948 called the CIA. Later in the 1950’s, MOSSAD also infiltrated the CIA and together they established a “rogue” and hidden element within U.S. intelligence. John Kennedy was going to disband the CIA after discovering their compromised infiltration, was going to eliminate the Federal Reserve and print money without interest, was going to cut Israel off of all aide after they were implicated in stealing our nuke secrets, infiltrated into our Intelligence agencies and had stolen nuke material from a planet in Pennsylvania. ?Robert Kennedy, his brother and John were both assasinated for this reason and Robert Kennedy Jr. was about to reveal in his publication called “George” the details of who was behind his families murders, which it was necessary to have him killed. The plane Robert Jr. was flying, after it was recovered, it was found that an altimeter fused explosive was the cause of the planes demise. 9/11 and subsequent events have all been exposed as having been planned and executed by MOSSAD/rogue CIA/ and “Jewish – Saudi Royal Family.

    I could go on for pages, but lets end with a note to read the following online interview done in 1976.

    A 1976 Interview with Harold Rosensthal, former personal aide to then Senator Jacob K. Javits. This arrogant and astonishing interview was the cause of the demise of Mr. Rosenthal who was ultimately murdered for giving this interview.

    1. You keep putting this comment up, over and over again.
      The fact is it contains a serious error. It was John Kennedy, Jr., not Robert Kennedy, Jr. who was killed in the plane crash. Errors of this magnitude take credibility away from the body of the text. People will ask what other errors does it contain.

  4. Funny thing is marrano is slang for pig in Spanish. So maybe they did come from apes and pigs. Lmfao. I think anything that has a violent means of attaining political goals around the world all ties back to that satanic state of israhell. I am amazed at the shear in humanity these assholes posses. Fine. We can play that way too. Difference is we are actually doing it for the good of humanity. We must remove this cancerous disease that has hurt all of us and so many other people areound the world. For centuries. God bless that day we do.

  5. I know it is known as ISIL but it started out as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria…the “L” in ISIL stands for Levant meaning Syria + Lebanon). In case folks have forgotten, ISIS was a false goddess of Egypt, the moon goddess, similar to the false god Allah, which is the moon god of the Saudis and others. In ancient Sumeria, the moon goddess was Semiramis, and she and her hubby sun god Nimrod had Tammuz (born of course on December 25)…folks these Illuminist groupings always call themselves what they do for a reason.

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