Grenade empties Broward sheriff’s building

 The Broward Sheriff's bomb squad robot removes a suspected hand grenade that was brought in to the West Park/Pembroke Park district office Friday afternoon. Miami Herald – by JONATHAN SIMMONS

A Broward sheriff’s substation in West Park was evacuated at 3 p.m. Friday after a woman walked in with a hand grenade.

She had found it in her house and brought it to the substation at 3201 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd. to get rid of it, said Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue spokesman Mike Jachles.

The grenade had belonged to her late husband.

“She found it in the house and didn’t know what to do,” said Jachles. “She put it down on a chair, and when we saw exactly what it was, we evacuated the building and left it there.

A bomb squad used a robot to pull the grenade out of the building, Jachles said, and technicians drove it to an unpopulated area.

The grenade was real, though it had been altered, and police treated it as a live explosive device.

It took them several hours to dispose of it.

Jachles said the woman who brought in the grenade made an honest mistake and has not been charged with a crime, but what she did was dangerous.

“If you find something like a grenade or an old mortar, don’t touch it. Don’t take it to the police station or the fire station,” Jachles said. “Leave it where it is and call the authorities.”
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6 thoughts on “Grenade empties Broward sheriff’s building

  1. This shows why women should not be involved in ANYTHING involving weapons or the rules of handling them.

    It does have a ring to it! They ladies mistake was in giving it to the cops, I would have gladly taken it from her!


    What a bunch of PUSSIES!!!

    Can you picture the panic if she had brought in an empty RPG launcher?

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