Henry Kissinger Was A Truly Despicable Creature



As my friend Doug Casey states, there are people that need killing.

Clearly, that’s true. Nobody could argue that we’d all be better off if Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Obama, or many others had met an early end. Millions of innocents would have not met a fiery and unjustified end if these sociopaths had been put to the sword.

In the long line up of absolutely horrible monsters who deserved killing, certainly Henry Kissinger stands tall among them. This was one truly despicable creature.

That is why the volume of vomit-inducing condolences spewing forth from the bought and paid for media presstitutes serves only to keep an ignorant American public… well, ignorant.

I suppose it is to be expected since every empire champions its murderers provided they did so in the process and name of expanding the state.

I was heartened to see the Rolling Stone’s coverage being more factual, mincing no words.

Finally. Finally!

The article is a decent rundown of the countless evils this man was party to.

I leave you with the thoughts of Anthony Bourdain, the famous chef. Bourdain, as well as being able to rustle up some good grub, was a keen thinker and explorer of the human condition and culture.

Source: Insider 286 | Follow Capitalist Exploits on X

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