Here’s What It Actually Sounds Like When Someone Calls for an Assassination

The Organic Prepper

The wailing from the left is even more deafening than usual lately.  The current bout of politically correct tyranny and hand-wringing (exactly as Keith Preston wrote about) ensued after they decided that presidential hopeful Donald Trump was encouraging some “second amendment people”  to assassinate his opponent, Hillary Clinton.  

Well, in all actuality, that is not what an assassination suggestion sounds like at all. Perhaps it wasn’t a tactful way to tap into the power of the gun lobby and the importance of the 2nd Amendment, but it was far from a call to action.

This is how it’s really done.

For illustrative purposes of what a call to action actually sounds like, please listen to Bob Beckel,  a strategist for the Democratic National Party and author of a book called (I couldn’t make this up) I Should Be Dead. While I think Julian Assange is a national freakin’ hero, Beckel clearly has a different view of the Wikileaks founder.

That is what it sounds like when you suggest that someone needs to be assassinated. Understanding this can prevent undue butthurt.

Any questions?

The Organic Prepper

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