Gizmodo Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you.
And without you knowing it.
The technology is so incredibly effective that, in November 2011, its inventors were subcontracted by In-Q-Tel to work with the US Department of Homeland Security. In-Q-Tel is a company founded “in February 1999 by a group of private citizens at the request of the Director of the CIA and with the support of the U.S. Congress.” According to In-Q-Tel, they are the bridge between the Agency and new technology companies.
Their plan is to install this molecular-level scanning in airports and border crossings all across the United States. The official, stated goal of this arrangement is to be able to quickly identify explosives, dangerous chemicals, or bioweapons at a distance.
The machine is ten million times faster—and one million times more sensitive—than any currently available system. That means that it can be used systematically on everyone passing through airport security, not just suspect or randomly sampled people.
Analyzing everything in real time
But the machine can sniff out a lot more than just explosives, chemicals and bioweapons. The company that invented it, Genia Photonics, says that its laser scanner technology is able to “penetrate clothing and many other organic materials and offers spectroscopic information, especially for materials that impact safety such as explosives and pharmacological substances.” [PDF]
Formed in Montreal in 2009 by PhDs with specialties in lasers and fiber optics, Genia Photonics has 30 patents on this technology, claiming incredible biomedical and industrial applications—from identifying individual cancer cells in a real-time scan of a patient, to detecting trace amounts of harmful chemicals in sensitive manufacturing processes.

Above: The Genia Photonics’ Picosecond Programmable Laser scanner is capable of detecting every tiny trace of any substance on your body, from specks of gunpowder to your adrenaline levels to a sugar-sized grain of cannabis to what you had for breakfast.
Meanwhile, In-Q-Tel states that “an important benefit of Genia Photonics’ implementation as compared to existing solutions is that the entire synchronized laser system is comprised in a single, robust and alignment-free unit that may be easily transported for use in many environments… This compact and robust laser has the ability to rapidly sweep wavelengths in any pattern and sequence.” [PDF]
So not only can they scan everyone. They would be able to do it everywhere: the subway, a traffic light, sports events… everywhere.
How does it work?
The machine is a mobile, rack-mountable system. It fires a laser to provide molecular-level feedback at distances of up to 50 meters in just picoseconds. For all intents and purposes, that means instantly.
The small, inconspicuous machine is attached to a computer running a program that will show the information in real time, from trace amounts of cocaine on your dollar bills to gunpowder residue on your shoes. Forget trying to sneak a bottle of water past security—they will be able to tell what you had for breakfast in an instant while you’re walking down the hallway.
The technology is not new, it’s just millions times faster and more convenient than ever before. Back in 2008, a team at George Washington University developed a similar laser spectrometer using a different process. It could sense drug metabolites in urine in less than a second, trace amounts of explosive residue on a dollar bill, and even certain chemical changes happening in a plant leaf.
And the Russians also have a similar technology: announced last April, their “laser sensor can pick up on a single molecule in a million from up to 50 meters away.”
So if Genia Photonics’ claims pan out, this will be an incredible leap forward in terms of speed, portability, and convenience. One with staggering implications.
Observation without limits
There has so far been no discussion about the personal rights and privacy issues involved. Which “molecular tags” will they be scanning for? Who determines them? What are the threshold levels of this scanning? If you unknowingly stepped on the butt of someone’s joint and are carrying a sugar-sized grain of cannabis like that unfortunate traveler currently in jail in Dubai, will you be arrested?
And, since it’s extremely portable, will this technology extend beyone the airport or border crossings and into police cars, with officers looking for people on the street with increased levels of adrenaline in their system to detain in order to prevent potential violent outbursts? And will your car be scanned at stoplights for any trace amounts of suspicious substances? Would all this information be recorded anywhere?
Above: A page from a Genia Photonics paper describing its ability to even penetrate through clothing.
There are a lot of questions with no answer yet, but it’s obvious that the potential level of personal invasion of this technology goes far beyond that of body scans, wiretaps, and GPS tracking.
The end of privacy coming soon
According to the undersecretary for science and technology of the Department of Homeland Security, this scanning technology will be ready within one to two years, which means you might start seeing them in airports as soon as 2013.
In other words, these portable, incredibly precise molecular-level scanning devices will be cascading lasers across your body as you walk from the bathroom to the soda machine at the airport and instantly reporting and storing a detailed breakdown of your person, in search of certain “molecular tags”.
Going well beyond eavesdropping, it seems quite possible that U.S. government plans on recording molecular data on travelers without their consent, or even knowledge that it’s possible—a scary thought. While the medical uses could revolutionize the way doctors diagnose illness, and any technology that could replace an aggressive pat-down is tempting, there’s a potential dark side to this implementation, and we need to shine some light on it before it’s implemented.
Once this technology is introduced the fascist regime is omnipotent and it will be too late to reverse our destiny, it is The End of liberty.
Permanent slavery to the bastard NWO, a life of poverty, a life of fear will be our lot from cradle to grave. Resistance will be impossible.
This person speaks truth, this should be our line in the sand.
No mention of possible side affects from these scanners is mentioned, that alone makes me even more leery of them.
1984 on steroids.
Damn, right!
“The end of privacy coming soon”? It ended a LONG TIME AGO. Starting with the Patriot Act. This just further invades more privacy as an overkill.
yea NC what would the powers that wana-be do if we all lived in glass houses! That would confuse them creapy crawlers right out of their gourd you know.
Glass houses? That might be fun. I always ran and smashed my head into the glass because of the false illusion that I thought my brother was in front of me. D’oh! Haha.
Funny. And no matter where you go – inside the house – the reflections are reflecting off of each other. Kind of like the house of mirrors. Visuals, ha ha ha.
I posed this question once before, half jokingly, but now it’s dead serious. Does ANYBODY know how to build EMP’s? Vitually ALL their high tech gadgetry is electronically based. The only thing effective against such a wide array, are EMP’s. We need an underground network producing these things en masse, to level the playing field, and reduce them to guns and ammunition like the rest of us. Then, at least we’d have a fighting chance!
If any of us do, it would Not be smart to say so online or on any type of phone. 🙂
they would cencor some thing like that. Can`t trust google facebook you tube etc. etc.. Guess we all got to do it the old fashioned way with a text book. I heard a while back though on you tube – imagine that – that you could use the magnatron tube in a microwave oven and some pvc pipes to do something useful with .
No shit ! Mum’s the word, brother.
If you listen to The Intelligence Report on, Mark Koernke has said several times that the radar unit out of a microwave oven, mounted on a little TV satellite dish and pointed at the sky, would disrupt the communication between drones and the controller. I have not tried this nor do I know anyone who has, and I’m not advocating or suggesting that anyone does. However electronic waves are electronic waves and if it worked on one, it would seem that it would work on another. Just something I heard.
Very true, Angel. Nor would I expect anyone to. My intent was to hopefully set the gears in motion in the heads of any tech savvy people out there, which, unfortunately, I am not. That would suffice.
Believe me, there are few people who have been thinking about it for a while now (as you can tell, by Henry & diggerdan’s reponses) 🙂
Good lookin’ out, Henry. Not that I would EVER advocate or contemplate such a course of action. No siree, Bob. Not me.
That does cheer me up considerably, Angel. Thanks!
I just like to study things others do not think of you know. Who knows, it might come in handy at some time in the future.