Hollywood elite to erect memorial to all dead home invaders

Memorial to fallen home invaderThe People’s Cube – by Chedoh

HOLLYWOOD, CA – The silver screen’s most elite names and faces gathered at a discrete location last night, to discuss their disastrous participation in Michael Bloomberg’s first annual Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2nd.

The stars had every reason to be concerned after their collective wearing of orange shirts to commemorate all those who have lost their lives to gun violence went largely unnoticed by the general public.  

Attended by Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, Michael MWear orangeoore, and Jane Fonda, to name just a few, the discussion over cocktails and entrées extended into the late evening, until all celebrities came to a consensus that the best way to raise awareness for the victims of gun violence was to erect a statue of an unarmed man with a flashlight and a bag over his shoulder, climbing through a window.

Wear orangePenn, the leader of the Coalition of Film Actors Against Gun Violence, explained his support for the memorial.

“We live in a nation of small-minded, gun-toting ignoramuses who fail to realize that the reason for economically challenged individuals to enter strangers’ homes is not that they are criminals out to do them harm, but in actuality it manifests the desire of the disadvantaged classes to obtain items of materialistic culture that our capitalist society conditions them to think they need,” he stated.

“Deprived by the system of the means to afford expensive things, they try to acquire them the only way they can, by entering someone’s home and taking it. The so-called ‘burglars’ and ‘home invaders’ are, in fact, nothing more than casualties of America’s perpetual war on the poor and racial minorities,” said the star of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Adorned with a golden plaque saying, “To all those lost to the mindless pull of a trigger,” the memorial is expected to appear in the center of the famous Hollywood Forever Cemetery, which will make it officially the first monument erected at a U.S. cemetery for political motives. Despite objections by locals and right-wing groups, Penn and his celebrity alliance claim that the monument will bear as much dignified significance as any war memorial in American history.

Jane Fonda supported Penn’s statement by saying, “It takes a lot of courage to enter a home of a complete stranger. We should honor their bravery, while at the same time recognize their sacrifice as a shameful legacy of conservative policies. Hopefully, this sacred memorial will raise awareness and help end the bloodshed,” said the actress famous for her portrayal of a gun-toting interstellar beauty in Barbarella.

The movement has been able to raise over $250,000 in donations since its inception yesterday, with most of the money coming from California’s wealthiest gated communities, protected by private security companies and teams of armed bodyguards.

– See more at: http://thepeoplescube.com/peoples-blog/hollywood-elite-to-erect-memorial-to-home-invaders-t16422.html#sthash.NVLVghSP.dpuf

24 thoughts on “Hollywood elite to erect memorial to all dead home invaders

  1. “Hollywood elite to erect memorial to all dead home invaders”

  2. My home is my castle and I will protect it. What I have I earned. Those that wish to steal are defined as burglars and will be dealt with accordingly. What a bunch of hogwash from these people. (I betcha they have locks on their doors.) Just more ignorant comments from people that should know better.

    1. I agree with everything you said.
      Plus, you can bet that they have locks on their doors as well as home security systems to go along with living in “California’s wealthiest gated communities, protected by private security companies and teams of armed bodyguards.”

  3. “We live in a nation of small-minded, gun-toting ignoramuses…”

    He’s right about that, if nothing else.

    They’re called pigs.

  4. I’d love to spend some time alone with that POS (Penn), for a little LSAA (Louisville Slugger Attitude Adjustment).

    I’m sure I could convince him of the error of his ways.

    1. Sean Penn, he’s a piece of sh*t. Simple as that. No further explanation needed. He loves to portray himself as all good, all knowing, and all “that”. I’m done wasting my breath, I mean, fingers on the Sean Penn gig.

  5. I suppose the first question I would ask MR Penn is “are you willing to give up your wealth for the less fortunate”? I wouldnt think so. Yep, the list of movies that I will pay money to see is rapidly getting shorter. I made the choice long ago that I will not watch any of these anti Americans that are trying to brainwash the masses. Oh, and this is the real message from this meeting, “you dont have the right to defend yourself in your own home”. This amounts to treason in my book. Dont worry though as soon they will have a choice to leave the country or hang from a rope.

  6. Hey sean pennis , go back to Haiti ,& continue the fleecing of that country for hellary`s brother ! Hanoy jane , glad to see there is some commie life left to take from you !!!


    1. There are very few actors who aren’t Jews. Did you ever see the movie “Moonstruck”? It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. A gang of Jews pretending to be Italian.
      It made me wonder “why don’t they just hire Italian actors?” Then it dawned on my that there aren’t enough of them to make a movie. They only use genuine ethnic goyim when it’s necessary (Blacks, or Chinese, for example)

  8. Sean Penn is doing his job, and depends on Hollywood propaganda for his lush life. I distinctly remember seeing a picture of him carrying a shotgun on or around the time of hurricane Katrina, so he’s a lying hypocrite, at best.

    As for the liberal philosophy regarding the poor under privileged burglar, it’s complete nonsense, because there are plenty of poor people who live happily without much in the way of material wealth, and the burglar isn’t taking your TV to have a TV in his house. He’s taking it too sell, usually for drugs.

    And there’s also the fact of the under-reported home invasion craze that has people coming through your window looking for a lot more than material wealth.

    It’s real easy to philosophize about crime and self-defense when you’re surrounded by stone walls, steel gates and body guards, but if that little faggot ever had to live in a crime-ridden area, left to his own defenses, I can guarantee you that he’d have at least one gun. (as we’ve already seen during Katrina)


  9. Penn and Fonda need to open their homes wide open and allow all who are disadvantaged to take what ever they need, then restock their homes for the next wave after wave after wave. Never happen as I’m sure they have body guards and alarm systems to stop at their own home what they are preaching for us to do. As that redneck says, “here’s your sign”.

  10. This article is a joke……..right ? Penn used to have a big gun collection til he started bangin’ Cheliz Theron, then he sold ’em all because she hates guns. I’ve heard of pussy-whipped, but this is ridiculous. If anybody invades my domain, they’re dead meat.

    1. I offer a suggestion to ALL mis-aligned po-lice and military ( from whatever country ): IF you come to my house with the intent to commit terrorism – BYOBB – Bring Your Own Body Bag . . . . .

    2. I believe it is satire? I checked the site and it looks like it to me. Penn does have j paternal grandparents so mental defects are in his DNA. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  11. OK, OK, OK, I get it. Flippin’ Hollywood has officially moved away from Cocaine to PCP . . . LSD was too enlightening, and THC made them realize what complete pretentious asses they are . . . . .

  12. Sean Penn makes millions holding guns and shooting people on film. F..k this two bit 2nd Amendment hater pillow biter.

    Probably had his lawyer draft his little fag speech.

  13. This is a parody article just like you see on The Onion. The People’s Cube even has a FaceBook page and their caption says “Nobody’s a boob with the People’s Cube!”

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