How Many People Are Killed By Police In The US?

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Almost 1000 people in the U.S. have been shot and killed by police in 2018. In 2017 and 2016, about an equal amount of people died this way, according to the Washington Post. As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz shows in the below infographic, most of those killed by police are male and white.

While around 450 of the deceased were white, 229 were Black. This is a relatively high share, keeping in mind that close to 13 percent of Americans belong to that race group. 

Infographic: How Many People Are Killed by Police in the U.S.? | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Around half of those shot and killed by police carried a gun themselves. But in the case of more than a hundred people, they were either unarmed or it is unknown if they carried a weapon. In 35 cases, the deceased had been seen with a toy weapon that was mistaken for the real thing.

Out of the nearly 1000 killed, more than 200 were listed as having shown signs of mental illness.

4 thoughts on “How Many People Are Killed By Police In The US?

    1. Thats fine, but by him doing that ..he’s declared war. and theres no walking that back .. time to clean this shit up

      and if you think he doesn’t know that … well i’d hate to be the one to let you know, if done, it will be for that purpose ..and at that moment its time to strap it on and go to work

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