How the Pandemic Made Lumber America’s Hottest Commodity

Apr 19, 2021
Demand for lumber has skyrocketed during the pandemic, sending prices to all-time highs. This video explains what’s driving the lumber boom, who’s profiting, and why those growing the trees aren’t reaping the benefits.

2 thoughts on “How the Pandemic Made Lumber America’s Hottest Commodity

  1. Utter nonsense! I believe it was Mark that showed us miles of lumber products sitting at a train yard. The lumber stores are full of product, I have no idea what this guy is talking about.

    1. Pandemic my f-king ass. I live in a goddamn forest and the price of lumber has been shooting up since four years before the pandemic.
      Because these communists are pumping millions of foreigners into our country (as the American national birth rate falls), and as it is the government building the invaders free homes, well you know these are government contracts so the lumber is going through the roof for the same reason an aspirin costs $25 in a hospital.
      As for the people complaining about not getting a part of the action at their tree farm, f-k ’em. As for the rest of us who own all the national lands and the trees and everything else upon them, we are not getting a f-king nickle, so don’t cry to me. You want it to stop, stop it.

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