How to Fake an Alien Invasion

Published on Feb 8, 2015 by corbettreport


We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag.

Search: “Project Bluebeam”

2 thoughts on “How to Fake an Alien Invasion

  1. It doesn’t take much to fool these idiots, so yes, you may as well accept that aliens will be the new threat.

    A “one world government” needs an other-worldly enemy to maintain their control over the population. (just as our “government” keeps Americans in fear of phantom terrorists) They’re preparing you for this with UFO propaganda now.

  2. “Search: “Project Bluebeam”

    While you’re at it, search “Iron Mountain report”

    They came up with THIS plan way back in ’66.

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