Images from conflicts of the 1800s leap to life after being colorized for the first time

Daily Mail

Fascinating colorized photographs from the 1800s reveal the lives of soldiers during two of the century’s great wars in the United States and Europe.

One image reveals President Abraham Lincoln meeting with Unionist General George B McClellan after the Battle of Antietam during the American Civil War.

McClellan, known for his cautious military tactics, was relieved of his duties by Lincoln shortly after the battle after allowing General Robert E Lee’s army to retreat into Virginia despite unknowingly having the confederates significantly outnumbered.  

Other photos show a group of soldiers from the British 71st Highland Regiment assisting in the Crimean War in 1856, seeing action in the year-long Siege of Sevastopol, one of the final episodes in the conflict.

They are the work of photographer, Mario Unger, from Rotenturm, Austria, who carefully retouched the snaps, bringing them into the 21st century.

The striking images are featured in British author Michael D. Carroll’s new book, Retrographic on the colourisation of historical images.

See the photos here:

4 thoughts on “Images from conflicts of the 1800s leap to life after being colorized for the first time

  1. Thanks, Mark. These are amazing and stirring. I wish I could go back in time and be in that reality, just for a little while. Common sense was so intact.


      1. I always have enjoyed viewing these great shots Galen, glad you appreciate them. New ones come out often, I try and post them.

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