In a bombshell interview, Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky revealed that the Rothschilds controlled an oil company responsible for 20% of Russia’s oil production, and described how Putin masterminded a bold takeover to reclaim it for Russia.

2 thoughts on “In a bombshell interview, Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky revealed that the Rothschilds controlled an oil company responsible for 20% of Russia’s oil production, and described how Putin masterminded a bold takeover to reclaim it for Russia.

  1. Let’s see… The Rothschilds are jews. Putin seems to have a special relationship with jews – always has chabad jews around him when he’s signing important documents, etc, goes to Israel & visits the wailing wall wearing a kippah, has apologized to Israel numerous times for remarks his ministers have made about jews, etc, etc, etc, etc. I’m probably going to call BS on this as just more propaganda…

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