11 thoughts on “ISIS militant with an apparent US Army tattoo

  1. Fake. Notice the left sleeve is rolled up but the right sleeve is cut. Also all the other ‘fighters’ are long sleeved.

  2. If you blow up the pic, it really looks messed up, almost round… Thanks to Mark for looking at this pic this morning and bringing it up on his program…..

  3. Either this is Photoshopped or, ISIL is in actuality manned with mercenaries from the CIA/Mossad/Blackwater.

    If my memory serves me correctly, Islam religion does not permit a person to wear jewelry or have tattoos. Although, ISIL terrorism does give Obama an excuse to legitimize bombing Syria and the means to oust Assad. The question remaining: Will Russia and China allow this false flag to proceed?

  4. Sorry, I think it’s shopped. Look at not only the sleeve, but the lighter color of the skin around the tattoo. While you could argue that the hair had been shaved for the tat, the tat itself would then be more red and swollen. And what would be the reason for photoshopping the pic? Don’t know. Why demonize our troops.

    1. “Why demonize our troops(?)”

      Because Obama needs a demon to throw in our faces. It’s the only way to substantiate endless war. Besides, do you actually think that Obama gives a flying flick about our troops? Just ask any homeless veteran who is dying in the street.

  5. Thought it was real, glad it isn’t….still, if some rogue US military folks on a mercenary basis were helping ISIS, a US/Mossad/NATO funded-trained-armed group, it wouldn’t surprise me.

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