Israel Places IDF On High Alert After Beirut Port City Rocked By Massive Series Of Explosions Resulting In Nuclear Bomb Style Mushroom Clouds

Now the End Begins – by Geoffrey Grider

Even though early reports coming out of Lebanon are calling this an ‘accident’, the timing of this explosion is highly suspect to say the least. For the past 6 weeks or so, Israel has been relentlessly bombing targets in Iran and Syria, due to an increase in terrorist activity coming from those areas. As recently as just yesterday, the IDF made air strikes on Iranian targets near Damascus.

When you look at the video of the explosion in Beirut, it was multiple explosions actually, it does not appear to be something that was accidental. It looks like a strategic air strike, the only question is why. If it does turn out to be from Israel, this could well lead to a fresh outbreak in hostilities in the Middle East.

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: A massive explosion rocked Beirut on Tuesday and a tall plume of smoke could be seen from a distance. The explosion took place at the Beirut Port. According to Lebanese media, ambulances were transporting dozens of injured people to local hospitals.

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2 thoughts on “Israel Places IDF On High Alert After Beirut Port City Rocked By Massive Series Of Explosions Resulting In Nuclear Bomb Style Mushroom Clouds

  1. An “accident”?!!!

    Are you f&$king kidding me?!!!

    An accident is two cars hitting each other or a truck exploding on a highway or a building catching on fire.

    That looked like a nuclear bomb went off in the city. Any moron can see they were practically bombed out of existence.

    Accident, my Ass! I wasn’t born yesterday.

    By their definition, the Twin Towers falling and the Hiroshima bomb was an accident.


    Next time the Israelis get bombed, I say we all should just call it an accident. See how the Zionists pigs like it. Sick bastards.

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