6 thoughts on “IT IS FRICKIN FRIDAY!

  1. Yeah Hal, we’ve had a lot of the same here. How have you been feeling when they spray? I’ve had the cold like symptoms and lately a fun new side effect that I’ve never had, nose bleeds. Breathe shallow and keep the windows closed, not that it’ll help. 🙁

    1. Hi Deb.
      It saddens and enrages me to hear of the symptoms you have to deal with from these ^%*#%^&%!!!!!
      As far as cold and flu symptoms, none of that stuff any more than normal here. If I ever feel the symptoms, a double or triple dose of Oreganol P73 knocks it out almost always.
      Pissed off symptom? YES!!
      An incredible urge to swear loud and a lot!! Use both middle fingers as weapons while dreaming of a German 88 mm Flak gun and taking the sprayers down.
      I use a lot of oregano oil (Oreganol P73…I love this stuff! Try it if you haven’t),eat a lot of garlic,onion,cayenne pepper,and use diatomaceous earth/Micro Powder, raw honey, and Braggs apple vinegar, as well as home grown eggs, chicken, veggies, blah-blah-blah.
      As far back as remember-able and still today, being outside more than inside is the norm for me. When the day comes to have to stay inside it’s over. lol…I will never bend for these self glorifying freaks.

      Fatigue and joint pain yes, maybe a memory issue but I don’t know if that’s not from too many “I’m going to conquer this ______ no matter the cost” and getting older. (Laughing) Probably all three…
      Here is a nice rant of some guy I like to hear from time to time.
      Maybe it will hit a note with you too.
      Take care Deb

      1. Hi Hal!

        Thank you for your advice on the supplements that you take. I’ve heard good things about diatomaceous earth. I’m going to give it a try as soon as I find the best one available. Pissed off is definitely a symptom, I was so happy to look out at the sky this morning and see beautiful deep blue. Then I walked outside and lo and behold, the lines were back. Grrr!

        That video was great Hal. That gentleman is so right in every way. We all try to eat healthy, but we are being poisoned at every turn. Somethings gotta give, this can’t go on forever.

  2. Deb… I heard that you helped out spike on his broadcast.
    Spike needs some help from us.
    I’m holed up here from the rain/snow for the next couple of days and can’t get out until it dries up.
    Its to treacherous getting my tires mudded up and sliding into the canyon.
    Then I’m going to try and send him a donation to help out when I get a decent internet connection in town.
    But I hope that some of the trenchers will step up and throw him a financial bone.
    Just like Henry and Laura and JD we have to keep the truth going.
    By the way I hope hatr is hanging in there.
    These are troubling times and we have to look out for each other because no one else will.
    I just don’t know how people can make it anymore.
    Once you start talking the truth.
    The demons come at you full force to destroy everything.
    Everything you love and cherish.

    1. flee, Spike’s a great guy. I try to help him out when I can. He already had thanked me personally, so I was surprised when he mentioned it on his broadcast. LOL
      I heard from #1 yesterday. He can get wifi and charge his laptop at the library, so he should be back very soon. He said he will be able to post and send in articles, just not late at night.

  3. I’m having some of the same problems. The wife is now having me drink 4oz of Aloe Vera every morning. Me being the sceptic reluctantly have been taking it and i have to admit it is working. I have been feeling much better. It seems to be flushing that crap out of my system.

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