8 thoughts on “It’s starting to hit the MSM

  1. Who is the conspiracy theorist now? It is so frustrating trying to share information that should be taken more seriously. Thabkyou for posting. They are popping up all over.

    1. Startes appearing on main stream,
      The plan has changed, we are too blind to see, or the damages have been done.
      PS. Still we do nothing.

  2. She should never had said “Strokes run in her family.” They will stick to that like the 9/11 lies. You take the jab, you take your life.

  3. No Sympathy for anyone who takes these Poisons…..Even if you could prove 100% Iron clad, No doubt the Vaccines killed her, (Which is probably true) The Makers are immune from any prosecutions or other litigation now aren’t they?.

    Silly Rabbits, Just go die.

    I have family who have taken this shit, if they die or develop debilitating diseases later, too fkn bad… I told all of them when this NWO shit started, it is part of the bigger plan of eugenics and the trigger for their NWO…

    been telling them for years…….

    You were warned, don’t expect me at your funeral….

    1. I have close family members also that took it and one of them is now saying, ‘feeling incredible fatigue’ which is almost always high energy. These family have banned me from their home until I get a vaccine. Guess I am not going to be seeing them anymore. I pray for them, that is about all that is left now.

        1. I know of one that took the jab
          She hasn’t shown up for work two straight days now
          Says she can shit through the eye of a needle at 100 paces
          A weekend and two straight week days
          Sure don’t sound like any fun if you ask me

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