Jamie Gorelick & Janet Reno Pedophile Entrapment w/ Francey Hakes

Abel Danger

Source: American Thinker

Jared Kushner, Beware of Jamie Gorelick

January 11, 2017
By Jack Cashill

More than a few of my Washington allies noticed a seemingly unremarkable bit of news in a Monday Washington Post article that they thought I ought to see. The article concerned Jared Kushner’s appointment as adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump.

The appointment did not trouble my friends. What troubled them was the Post’s casual mention that Kushner’s attorney was none other than Jamie Gorelick, deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. Observed the Post, Gorelick “is confident that the anti-nepotism statute does not cover Trump’s appointment of Kushner.”

Nepotism was the thrust of the article. The Post made no allusion to the concerns my friends and I have about this relationship. I assured them that Kushner probably does not know Gorelick’s history. I write this to make him aware of why bloggers have taken to calling Gorelick, “The Mistress of Disaster.”

Some recent highlights. In 2014, it was revealed that the George Soros-funded Urban Institute had an officially sanctioned role in the vetting of non-profits that seek tax-exempt status through the IRS. Gorelick was the vice-chairman of the Urban Institute board.

In 2011, she represented Duke University in its attempt to squash a suit by lacrosse team members whose lives had been turned upside down by false rape accusations that the university aided and abetted. In 2010, Gorelick represented BP in the Deepwater Horizon oil mess. It gets worse, much worse.

In 1993, as deputy attorney general under President Clinton, Gorelick served as “field commander” for the horrific government assault on a religious community in Waco, Texas, that left more than eighty dead, twenty of them children.

In 1995, she went on to pen the infamous “wall” memo that prevented the FBI and CIA from sharing information in the run-up to September 11. At the time, a dismayed FBI investigator wrote a memo to headquarters which included the sentence, “Someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective.”

In 1996, Gorelick stepped up her game, taking a lead role in the investigation of the TWA Flight 800 disaster. This was the 747 that inexplicably blew up off the coast of Long Island in July 1996 killing 230 people.

As deputy attorney general serving under a feckless Janet Reno, Gorelick’s assignment was to rein in the FBI. Five weeks into the investigation, she summoned FBI honcho Jim Kallstrom to Washington and served up a dose of political reality. To be sure, no account of the Aug. 22 meeting provides any more than routine detail, but behaviors began to change immediately afterwards.

The FBI had already leaked to the New York Times information that would result in a headline on Aug. 23, top right: “Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded in Cabin of Flight 800.” This article stole the thunder from Clinton’s election-driven approval of welfare reform in that same day’s paper and threatened to undermine the peace and prosperity message of the next week’s Democratic National Convention.

What followed in the next several weeks was the most ambitious and successful cover-up in American peacetime history. At its center was Gorelick. With the help of a complicit media and the active involvement of the CIA, she and her cronies transformed a transparent missile strike into a mechanical failure of unknown origin.

Given her role, the months after the crash had to have been emotionally harrowing. In May 1997, the Clintons appear to have rewarded Gorelick for her steely performance with a job that would pay her $877,573 in that first half-year alone.

According to a Lexis search, not one reporter even questioned why a middling bureaucrat with no financial or housing experience would be handed the vice chairmanship of Fannie Mae, a sinecure that the Washington Monthly called “the equivalent of winning the lottery.”

Please go to American Thinker to read the entire article.

Source: Federal Times

The wake-up call 

By Michael Hardy

July 11, 2016

President Bill Clinton created the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection in 1996 via an executive order. The next year, the panel issued “Critical Foundations,” a report on the risks to the critical infrastructure as it was then defined.

Read the report

The order, E0 13010 was not the very beginning of the recognition of critical infrastructure. The government has long understood that certain systems and resources are essential for the operation and perpetuation of a civilization. Prior actions, such as the Computer Security Act of 1987 and Executive Order 12656 in 1988 designated the Justice Department as responsible for assisting other agencies in protecting “essential resources and facilities.”

In 1996, however, everything coalesced. After the end of the short Persian Gulf War in 1991, America settled in to what felt like a peaceful, prosperous time. A larger-than-life Southern governor moved into the White House, while what remained of the Soviet Union struggled to find a new path forward. Gas was cheap — just a little over $1 a gallon in most places, equal to $1.64 in 2016 dollars — and a new economic boom based on technology and e-commerce was quietly being born.

Special Multimedia Report

Critical Risk: Assessing the cybersecurity of the nation’s infrastructure

Then, in 1995, an explosion destroyed a federal office building in Oklahoma City and snapped the nation out of its complacency. That act of domestic terrorism — more than anything else, according to some — led to the recognition that America’s critical infrastructure was always going to be at risk.

Jamie Gorelick, now a partner at the Washington D.C. law firm Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering & Hale, was deputy attorney general in 1995, and remembers the effect of the bombing on the Clinton administration’s priorities.

“A bomb went off in Oklahoma City, and it was riveting to the nation to think that a domestic terrorist could wreak such havoc,” she said. “The White House very much wanted to look comprehensively at our national security and our ability to protect our critical infrastructure and asked the Justice Department to head up that effort. …I think most people thought that in the aftermath of Oklahoma City, where after all a bomb had gone off in a federal building, that that effort would focus on physical security. But as we looked at this we became convinced that computer security, as we were then calling it, was as important if not more important.”

The work began very shortly after the bombing, with a presidential decision directive that, among other things, tasked the Justice Department with reviewing the vulnerabilities of all government facilities. It also put Justice in charge of assembling an interagency cabinet-level group to study and assess infrastructure protection. That body, the Critical Infrastructure Working Group, identified the eight critical infrastructure sectors, and also recommended the creation of a presidential commission.

The group drew on expertise from the military and the National Security Agency among other sources. While the initial expectation, in light of the bombing, was a focus on physical security, the emerging world of information technology was soon revealed as a much more imminent worry.

“We were briefed on the nature of the threat, and one of the things we were briefed on was the readily available information that would show the vulnerability of our critical nodes,” she said. “You could find available on the internet, available publicly, information on, in essence, how to destroy our communications infrastructure. How to destroy the [industrial control] systems that control our transportation and our energy pipelines, just as a couple of examples. This was terrifying to us. I wrote a memo that basically alerted the cabinet that we were broadening our scope.”

The working group ultimately recommended the appointment of a presidential commission. “The reason that we made that recommendation was not simply to punt, which is often the reason that people recommend commissions. We recommended a commission because you had to have a broad consensus among cabinet agencies as to what needed to be done, what the problems were and what the solutions were, and a broad consensus with the private sector of what the threats were and what needed to be done,” she said. “The only way to bring all of those people together and form a strong factual basis and recommendations as to what to do was with a presidential commission.”

Initially nothing much came of the group’s work, but soon Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., who was then chairman of the Armed Services Committee, took up the cause. As Nunn arranged hearings during the summer of 1996, Gorelick suggested to White House officials that it might be prudent to act on the working group’s recommendations before she was called to testify.

Please go to the Federal Times to read the entire article.

[AD note: The American Thinker article above is an excellent article that was missed when it first came out. The only thing we noticed was that Cashill missed the fact that Jamie Gorelick was in the Critical Infrastructure Working Group (CIWG). The CIWG was the beginning of building the “police state” in America.

In the article, it says that Gorelick was leading the charge at WACO. Gorleick was involved in the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing but we would be surprised if she wasn’t. Gorelick is somebody to be pointed out as being an integral part of the “deep state”. She’s the nightmare that keeps returning. In the article, they called her the “Queen of Disaster”. Let’s instead call her the “Queen of the Tech-lectic – Technocractic Dialectic. When they need money to build more police state infrastructure, or they need a law changed, just blow up a building like in Oklahoma City or an airplane – or kill a bunch of Americans and then blame them for it.]

Trump’s Advisor Jared Kushner’s Evil Lawyer Jamie Gorelick “The Mistress of Death” 


One thought on “Jamie Gorelick & Janet Reno Pedophile Entrapment w/ Francey Hakes

  1. Well, it’s nice of Jamie Gorelick, Deputy Attorney General, to admit that the bomb that went off in the Oklahoma City bombing went off IN the building as opposed to outside of it.

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