Jewish protests against ICE slated for three more states this week

Published on Jul 1, 2019

Hundreds of Jews who blocked off an immigration detention center in New Jersey say more action is planned for later in the week. Dozens were arrested Sunday in Elizabeth. Activists say their grassroots movement against Immigration and Customs Enforcement is just beginning.

4 thoughts on “Jewish protests against ICE slated for three more states this week

  1. “Hundreds of Jews who blocked off an immigration detention center in New Jersey say more action is planned for later in the week. Dozens were arrested Sunday in Elizabeth.”

    Hundreds blocking?

    Only DOZENS arrested???

    Pays to be fake ‘Chosenites’, obviously.

  2. Amazing!! I just cannot believe the humongous effort I’m seeing from global Jews. If it’s not pro-immigration, it’s anti-anti-Semitism or pro-perversion. They are crawling everywhere trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. That’d be us and our awareness. But it/we won’t go back in, no matter what strategies, psy-ops, hate laws passed, censorship launched, false flags, etc.

    Truth really is unstoppable. Today it has legs and is sprinting daily.


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