Journalist Who Exposed Illegal Migrants From Venezuela “Prostituting their wives for $20 at Home Depot” in Colorado says they’re now “Doing that at a TJ Maxx”

By Wall Street Apes

Overwhelmed Mayor Of Denver Colorado Caught On Tape Offering To Provide Illegal Immigrants “with a bus ticket or a plane ticket just to get you out of Denver — He suggests that these migrants can go to Chicago and New York. He even suggest sending them to the Canadian border”

Brooker Tee Jones “Denver, Colorado, the political director for Mike Johnson, the mayor of Denver, he was caught on tape. He received a big new group of migrants into his city and he was telling these migrants, hey migrants, this is not your final stay. This is you have not reached your destination. He said Denver is full. We’ve had over 40,000 migrants.

There’s no more jobs. There’s nowhere to sleep but don’t you fear migrants because we know where you can go and he suggests that these migrants can go to Chicago and New York. He even suggest sending them to the Canadian border. He also says we’ll provide you with a bus ticket or a plane ticket just to get you out of Denver.

Remember how I told you how Venezuelans, someone told me how the Venezuelans are prostituting their wives out at Home Depot? I also heard they were doing that at a TJ Maxx. So they do not want that going on in Denver. So they are getting these migrants out.

Today, we’ve been getting the migrant crisis in the state of Utah. Utah, they say, is not a sanctuary state, but there are a whole lot of migrants here.

And many of the migrants that we talked to, they said that they went to Denver first. Denver gave him a plane ticket to Utah. Also, we spoke to one man from New York. He said New York gave him a plane ticket to Utah. So they’re shuffling these migrants and they are getting them out of the sanctuary cities and bringing them to cities that are not sanctuary cities.

That’s some news for today.”

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