JUST IN: The Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO, vaccine and mask mandates for adults and children.

4 thoughts on “JUST IN: The Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO, vaccine and mask mandates for adults and children.

  1. JUST IN: The Biden administration has picked its replacement for Anthony Fauci as the new head of NIAID: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, fanatical and outspoken supporter of COVID lockdowns, the WHO, vaccine and mask mandates for adults and children…

    …and jew. They always forget to add that bit. I couldn’t find any records of family history in a quick search.

    Interestingly though I did just find this at ancestry.com –

    Marrazzo Name Meaning
    Italian:: probably from a pejorative form of Marra . from the Calabrian dialect word marrazzu ‘butcher’s knife’ presumably a metonymic occupational name for a butcher.

  2. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss,” from the Who, not the WHO! Townsend and Co. should sue the WHO for stealing their name…. Bwahahahahahahahahahah!

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