4 thoughts on “Karen and Kevin Throw Hot Coffee At Man For Not Wearing a Mask

  1. If that bitch threw coffee at me, I would have left that bimbo bitch a bloody heap on the ground. If her boyfriend attacked, he would join her. These psychotic “Karen” people are gonna learn the hard way not to infringe on the rights of others, otherwise you pay the price.

    1. Many Christians would just do the “turn the other cheek” thing and not do the “eye for an eye” thing not understanding Jesus’ context for the “turn the other cheek” thing. If one is being attacked with something that can permanently damage them like hot coffee (some folks can’t handle burns or if it goes into an eye), then one must retaliate “eye for an eye”-wise…I and my “50 pound purse” as my late mother-in-law called it would land on the woman’s face and the man I’d kick in his balls (if he has any)…I’ve pulled that one before!

      This whole “I pay taxes and so should you”-type nonsense from the Karen mob can only be taken down “eye-for-an-eye”-wise. As with the Antif-ites and BLMers, these Karens must be dealt with in the same fashion…as with Antif-ites and BLMers (as with Talmudic types as well), they’ll never be satisfied and they’ll always want more. Satan demands it.

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