Kerry, Crist Flame CNN’s Negligible Ratings In Gridiron Dinner Jokes

John KerryPat Dollard

Excerpted from Politico: Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a knife to the heart of CNN during Saturday night’s address at the annual Gridiron Club dinner, the white-tie-and-tails event hosted by Washington’s most prestigious press group.

During a humorous and well-received speech, Kerry, the evening’s headliner, said that CNN’s John King had asked if the former Massachusetts Senator was considering another presidential bid in 2016.  

Kerry’s response: “I am out of politics — and based on the ratings, so is CNN.”

Kerry wasn’t the only one to take a shot at the cable news network, which has suffered from notoriously low ratings for years. Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, the Democratic speaker, also riffed on the network’s woes.

“You know things are bad at CNN when they say they may go to a print edition,” Crist said, noting that he had been invited to appear on the network’s Sunday morning show, “State of the Union.” Keep reading

One thought on “Kerry, Crist Flame CNN’s Negligible Ratings In Gridiron Dinner Jokes

  1. “Kerry’s response: “I am out of politics — and based on the ratings, so is CNN.””

    1. If Kerry says he is out of politics then why he is Secretary of State? DUH!

    2. You know Kerry is a complete numbnuts when he bites the hand that feeds him and his Democratic Party. (aka CNN)

    Just keep pushing that foot deeper into your mouth, John. I don’t think you need any help digging that hole in the ground. You’re doing a pretty good job by yourself.

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