Kids Beat Cops in Epic Snowball Fight

Published on Feb 6, 2019

Washington state’s Duvall Police Department recently had a chilling – make that chilly – encounter. Officer Brandon Rhodes told he was dispatched to a local park to check out “a bunch of suspicious characters.” When he got there, a snowball fight with some local kids ensued. Rhodes said the battle was all in good fun and helped show the community that “we’re all human too, we like to have fun.” He has a message for those kids: “There’s next year, and we’re coming prepared.”

2 thoughts on “Kids Beat Cops in Epic Snowball Fight

  1. He has a message for those kids: “There’s next year, and we’re coming prepared.”
    Next headlines… officers show up with mraps and swat teams to take out hostile insurgents who assaulted officers with deadly projectiles making officers fear for their lives.

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