Klobuchar: Israelis Have to Be Wondering, ‘Is America Really Our Ally?’

Breitbart – by Trent Baker

Sunday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) weighed in on the impact of President Donald Trump withdrawing United States troops from northern Syria.

Klobuchar said on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” that Trump’s decision to withdraw is “immoral,” and it will result in Israel wondering if the United States is truly their ally because he is not putting the United States or its allies first.

“[Trump] didn’t have to do this — just like he didn’t have to get out of the Iranian agreement or the climate change agreement or suck up to Vladimir Putin every single day,” Klobuchar stated. “He does not put our country first. He does not put our allies first. And my problem with all of this. If you’re sitting over there in Israel, you start to wonder, ‘Is America really our ally?’”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

Watch video here: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2019/10/13/klobuchar-israelis-have-to-be-wondering-is-america-really-our-ally/

7 thoughts on “Klobuchar: Israelis Have to Be Wondering, ‘Is America Really Our Ally?’

  1. Klobuchar said on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” that Trump’s decision to withdraw is “immoral,” and it will result in Israel wondering if the United States is truly their ally because he is not putting the United States or its allies first.

    “[Trump] didn’t have to do this — just like he didn’t have to get out of the Iranian agreement or the climate change agreement or suck up to Vladimir Putin every single day,” Klobuchar stated. “He does not put our country first. He does not put our allies first. And my problem with all of this. If you’re sitting over there in Israel, you start to wonder, ‘Is America really our ally?’”

  2. Proving once again Israelis are cowards…can’t defeat Palestinians no matter what they do; can’t beat Hezbollah; too scared to invade Iran Benny the Nuttyhoo wants to invade; needs the US to invade Syria because they’re too chicken-crap cowardly to do it themselves; need Saudi to destroy Yemen (when, in the early 50s, according to Barry Chamish, BenGurion had Yemeni Jews genocided for experimental purposes…heck if your not Khazarian they don’t give a crap about you, just ask Ethiopian Jews); constantly badgering God to send the anti-Christ…as they say in Crown Heights, Brooklyn–OY VEY!,

    Finally, they needed the Romans to murder one of their own, the TRUE MESSIAH, Jesus Christ?

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