Libya, Gaddafi, and the Rest of the Story

Reports coming out of Libya are saying what had begun as protests have now turned into a full scale civil war.  Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, speaking on state television accused Osama Bin Laden of fostering malcontent among the Libyan people.  He further accused what he deemed as world organizations of bringing drugs into his country and indeed stated that many of the anti-government protesters were taking hallucinogens.  The mainstream media in the United States immediately dismissed the claims as the ravings of a madman.

After hearing the predictions of Lindsey Williams on Wednesday I have to believe Gaddafi might very well be telling the truth.  The fact is Osama Bin Laden was on the payroll of the CIA for some thirty years before becoming the boogie man that necessitated Americans being stripped of their rights through the Patriot Act.  And the idea of the internationals pumping drugs into a country in order to corrupt the youth cannot be dismissed as America is the living proof that it can and has been done.

Lindsey Williams, at the part of his predictions, said we would not see food shortages in the United States.  He did say the shelves would actually be quite full and in spite of that fact there would be food riots and people would be starving because we will not be able to afford to purchase the food as our dollar is going to be made as worthless as a 1933 German Mark. 

Gas has already risen to around $3.50 per gallon and is predicted to go as high as $4.00 or $5.00 per gallon.  If the price of gas raises this much you can bet the price of diesel will follow suit.  At $6.00 per gallon for diesel, every small trucking company that survived the last run up to $5.00 per gallon, will be put out of business, leaving only the big trucking companies who will set the price for shipping and cause the price of literally everything to skyrocket out of control.

I like to think that I am an optimist but I can honestly see nothing positive in the near future.  I think we had all better prepare ourselves as best we can for a depression that will make the last four years seem like a boom.

God open the eyes of the people in time.

0 thoughts on “Libya, Gaddafi, and the Rest of the Story

  1. “I like to think that I am an optimist but I can honestly see nothing positive in the near future. I think we had all better prepare ourselves as best we can for a depression that will make the last four years seem like a boom.”

    Well isn’t that great news! Yep…sure looks like the end of life as we have known it.

    Ok, Rick. Agreed.

    So now that gloom and doom is firmly established as the most probable outlook and all hope is lost in any possibility for the reality of our former lives to ever return why don’t we start discussing how in the hell to deal with it. How long are we going to dwell on validating the weather forecast as an F5 tornado before we start discussing how to survive it?

    Just a thought for Friday night. Please forgive my impetuous curiosity.

    1. Brian,
      Before you can tackle a problem you must understand its complexities. Admittedly the complexities are becoming an enormity. Then try to calculate your limited resources and where they can be applied for maximum effect.
      In other words, I finally got all the pieces into one pile and then lost it.
      If you see a course of action please put it forth, as I would be happy to follow to your lead.

  2. Rick,

    Good answer. Totally honest and candid. Great job “putting the pieces together”!

    I totally agree with your logic.

    The Jews didn’t see it coming either…till it was too late to do anything but run somewhere if they could…repeat…if they could, and this looks exponentially bigger than Nazi Germany. And where is there now to run? This is global.

    At the moment I got nothin ‘! Just hangin’on one day at a time. Looks like they’ve got us by the shorts. Predatory bastards. Not that I’m not thinking.

    Emailing Bigbird…maybe he can offer some suggestions.

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