Live Update Burns Oregon With Pete Santilli

Here is that vid with the pizza starting at 9:58.

Streamed live on Jan 5, 2016 by Pete Santilli Show

Burns Oregon- Tonight we were alerted by Ammon Bundy that 5 warrants had been issued for the arrest of Patriots who now occupy the land at the Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge in Burns Oregon. This live stream is live on the scene with a personal insider view of what is happening on the ground in real time. Please be patient with the stream — We are in a remote area with less than favorable conditions. Pray for us

4 thoughts on “Live Update Burns Oregon With Pete Santilli

  1. I can hear the audio, but I get a black screen on the video feed. Perhaps it’s on my end. Damnit, I wanted to see the pizza delivery. I’ll try again later. It seems to me, since the trucker event converging on dc , anything that good ol Pete is involved in, is staged to say the least. Every time there is a major event, he’s there. I’m just surprised AJ isn’t there with him sharing propaganda, glory and a pizza.

    1. Now that I think of it, ever since Comcast “upgraded” our router my internet has been crap. Everyone’s computer in the house has been disconnected or slowed down, and we constantly have to reset the password. It’s been so difficult staying online. Gotta love technology.

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