MAIG Mayor who tried to circumvent gun laws defeated in NC

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Morrisville, NC Mayor Jackie Holcomb attempted to try to find a way to circumvent North Carolina gun laws that went into effect October 1, which expanded the list of places concealed carriers could legally be armed, including parks and greenways. She’d also joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) even though gun crime is almost nonexistent in Morrisville, and tried to force a local store to give up selling semi-automatic sporting rifles.  

She won’t have to worry about that anymore, as voters tired of her anti-gun antics threw her out on her butt in favor of town councilman Mark Stohlman:

“I think people wanted leaders to be focused on local issues, particularly transportation and keeping taxes low,” Stohlman said. “(Holcombe) had other issues she was promoting, and it was taking away her focus on Morrisville.”

Holcombe was gracious in defeat.

“I’m thrilled to have been mayor for the last four years,” she said late Tuesday. “I have no regrets at all. I wish the new council the best.”

Holcombe has drawn the ire of both the National Rifle Association and Grassroots NC for asking Gander Mountain to stop selling semi-automatic rifles at its local store and for joining the Mayors Against Illegal Guns lobbying group.

She is now free to join a much larger group, “Former Mayors Against Illegal Guns.”

3 thoughts on “MAIG Mayor who tried to circumvent gun laws defeated in NC

  1. NC kicks anti-gun morons in the butt once again! I’m glad to be a citizen of NC
    where people just want to be left alone to enjoy life without some govt. nitwit telling them what they can and cannot do.

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