Man Caught in Women’s Bathroom Explains Why They Can’t Kick Him Out

Investment Watch

8 thoughts on “Man Caught in Women’s Bathroom Explains Why They Can’t Kick Him Out

  1. This is next level insanity. More confusion is just what we need!! Man, if I ran into that guy in the girl’s room I might have put his head in the toilet and flushed it. I want my life back!!!!!!!!


        1. Can we cut him up into itty bitty pieces first? Starting with you know what while he is still alive 🙂

        2. And another thing… So he’s identifying as tranny, eh? Gave me an idea: When pressured to take vax, I could respond with: “Though I’d never touch the stuff, I identify as vaccinated.” 🙂


    1. If I saw this son of a bitch follow my wife or any female in my family into the bathroom, there would just be one of them red gooey spots John talks about that me and Glen can’t see.

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