3 thoughts on “Mass. National Guard activated for emergency shelter sites

  1. Haiti…. THIRTEEN YEARS after that earthquake!?!? STILL living in the Holiday Inn Emergency Express!?! they literally just make shit up! I call it .. unverifiable unresearchable numbers.. when they make it up you can’t research it.. a illness that doesn’t exist can’t have a variant or mutation.. a story that doesn’t exist can’t be expounded on.. one lie makes the whole story a lie. I’m sure there are Haitians there.. but that’s not The Story. it really amazes me that EVERY SINGLE bad guy on earth is on the same page but we can’t get 20 thousand good guys on the same page.

    1. “unverifiable unresearchable numbers.. when they make it up you can’t research it..”
      “EVERY SINGLE bad guy on earth is on the same page but we can’t get 20 thousand good guys on the same page.”

      Come on Mike, where did you get the 20,000 number, and where can I research it? I guarantee you there are 30,000 that I know of, not just on the same page, but ready to actually shoot those guns, this is just in the State of Oregon, and that’s not just everyone who is on the same page. Your numbers are incorrect, and reek of defeatism. I know that you are one of the good guys, but 20,000 is a bullshit number and you know it. I guess at best, my guess is 40 million. No offense intended, but I should be saying 80 million, and fighting fire with fire, shouldn’t I?

  2. Headline SHOULD read –


    That would actually make sense seeing as The National Guard is supposed to guard the Nation! It’s in the fricken name! Anything else in a sane world would be treason punishable by nothing less than firing squad or hanging.

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