MD Deputy Attorney General Busted on Video: “We Should Ban Guns Altogether, Period”


Washington, DC – -( As if enduring eight years of the rabidly anti-gun Martin O’Malley in the Governor’s Mansion weren’t enough, Maryland gun owners are now contending with at least one avowed gun prohibitionist in the state Attorney General’s Office.

Undercover video (below) of Maryland Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignarajah, shot by Project Veritas while he was attending a national conference of state attorneys general in New York City, reveals the supposed-public servant’s deep disdain for your rights.  

Speaking with an undercover journalist, when asked about what type of gun control regime he would impose, Vignarajah replied, “[m]y complete answer, off the record, is that we should ban guns altogether, period.”

Elaborating, Vignarajah stated, “[i]f you want to go practice with a gun, you can go to the gun range, pick up your gun at the gun range, fire it there, and then you leave it there and you go home.” Vignarajah then goes on to explain a scheme under which he might allow individuals to keep a firearm in the home, subject to an “extensive licensing scheme,” taxation, mandatory insurance, and “fingerprint trigger locks.”

Vignarajah’s comments might prompt one to contemplate the extent to which his radical anti-gun positions permeate the entire Maryland Attorney General’s Office.

After all, his boss, Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh, has been a staunch advocate for gun restrictions since the 1980s. In 2013, while chairman of the Maryland State Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee, Frosh pushed O’Malley’s sweeping gun control package to final passage. A Washington Post article from the time called Frosh, “O’Malley’s key ally in the Senate.” And Frosh’s work on the issue earned him the praise and support of billionaire gun control bankroller Michael Bloomberg.

Specifically, Bloomberg said of Frosh, “[n]o one has done more in Maryland than Brian Frosh to lead the fight against illegal guns and protect citizens from incidents of gun violence.”

If you wish to share your opinion of Vignarajah’s positions with his office, or that of his superiors, contact information for the Maryland Attorney General’s Office can be found at the following link:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

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3 thoughts on “MD Deputy Attorney General Busted on Video: “We Should Ban Guns Altogether, Period”

  1. “Elaborating, Vignarajah stated, “[i]f you want to go practice with a gun, you can go to the gun range, pick up your gun at the gun range, fire it there, and then you leave it there and you go home.”

    All the practice in the world is USELESS if you don’t have the weapon when you need it!

    This communist @sswipe needs a two-by-four upside his head.

    A couple dozen home run whacks ought to do the trick.

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