Member of UN’s Program of Action on Small Arms: ‘Stricter Gun Control Is Inevitable’

Guns America – by S.H. Blannelberry

The news network allowed a dude by the name of Philip Alpers to write an op-ed, entitled, “Trump or Clinton, Stricter Gun Control Is Inevitable.

Who the heck is Mr. Alpers?

Well, when it comes to being a proponent for gun-grabbing, he has credentials that would make even Mikey Bloomberg a little jealous. Here it is:  

Philip Alpers is founding director of, a global project of the Sydney School of Public Health, which compares armed violence, firearm injury prevention and gun law across 350 jurisdictions world-wide. A member of the UN’s Program of Action on small arms since 2001, Alpers participates in the UN process as a member of the Australian government delegation.

To recap, Alpers checks all the boxes. Founder of an anti-gun nonprofit. Check. Member of UN’s gun-grabbing task force. Check. Australian bureaucrat. Check.  University professor.  Check.

You’ll recall that the land down under forced its citizens to participate in a national buyback program that pretty much eviscerated one’s right privilege to keep and bear arms. Remember, when rights aren’t codified in a country’s founding document, they’re considered privileges which means it’s much easier for the government to put them on the chopping block.

Anyways, in the CNN article, Alpers made his case for why tougher gun laws are inevitable here in the US.

“Unique to the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution is just that — an amendment. As with universal suffrage, the abolition of slavery and Prohibition, Americans are free to change an outdated law when they so choose,” wrote Alpers. “The solution to armed violence, America’s fatal flaw, is not unthinkable.”

Yeah, because owning and carrying firearms to defend ourselves is pretty much the same as denying women participation in government and keeping human chattel.  Give me a break!

Anyways, Alpers is suggesting that we trash the Second Amendment and go the way of Europe and other countries that have instituted mandatory buyback schemes.

“In many other nations, improvements are well under way,” wrote Alpers. “Latin Americans, for example, suffer gun death rates to make your toes curl. For this reason Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia joined Australia, the United Kingdom and democratic countries in the Pacific Rim in mounting massive national disarmament and firearm destruction programs, each followed by fewer gun deaths.”

What’s humorous is one doesn’t need to look to hard to debunk Alpers claims. Back in March, NPR ran a story entitled, “Brazil Has Nearly 60,000 Murders, And It May Relax Gun Laws.”

That’s right. The story helped to shine a light on the fact that tough gun laws don’t translate to lower crime rates.

To give you an idea, in 2014, nearly 60,000 people were murdered in Brazil. Most of them were killed by bad guys with guns. That’s a lot of killing. This despite the fact that to get a gun in Brazil one must cut through a lot of red tape, such as: one must have a fixed address, prove legitimate income, have no criminal record, pass a mental health test, satisfy a training requirement proving proficiency, and provide ‘good cause’ to the government on why one needs a firearm, e.g. a police report documenting an attack.

In short, it’s a may-issue hellhole for prospective gun owners. Not surprisingly, many law-abiding citizens are not able to get the means to protect themselves (Brazil boasts a civilian gun ownership of 8 guns per 100 people).

In the United States, by comparison, we average around 8,500 gun murders per year. However, we also have 116 million more people living in the U.S. than in Brazil (U.S. population: 316 million; Brazil population 200 million). Plus, we have an average of 88 guns per 100 people.

Now, if you combine our massive population with our incredibly permissive gun laws and the fact that we have more guns per capita than any other nation, surely we should lead the world in gun murders. Well, we don’t. As mentioned, Brazil has close to seven times the number of murders. What gives then? Where does Alpers argument fall apart?

To quote Brazilian Congressman Edson Moreira, a proponent for relaxing gun laws in his country, from the NPR article, “Brazil doesn’t have a gun problem. It has a problem of illegal guns in the hands of criminals, especially drug traffickers.”

Bingo! The truth is that gun murders are not a product of the number of guns in a country nor the relative strength of a nation’s gun laws, rather they are a result of the number of criminals in a society. Therefore, the best way to tackle gun violence — or any violence for that matter — is to foster a society that (a) creates fewer criminals and (b) does an effective job of taking existing criminals off the streets.

Yet, people like Alpers will never concede this fact. Instead, they’ll continue to trumpet the call for eliminating one’s right to keep and bear arms, inch by inch.

“But as with the toll of road-related deaths, a range of long-term public health initiatives will gradually work in parallel to save countless lives,” wrote Alpers. “Gun buyer background checks, micro-stamping of firearms and ammunition as a crime-busting tool, smart guns that only the owner can fire — and yes, licensing and registration — must ever so slowly become the norm.”

A fool’s errand if there ever was one. The purpose of these measures is not to reduce gun-related violence, but to fail to reduce gun-related violence thereby priming the pumps for more gun control. For example, we know that the Clinton-era ban on “assault weapons” was ineffective. The CDC has said as much. So, why are anti-gunners still pushing for a renewed ban on black rifles if all the stats show it was ineffective? The answer is because that last one didn’t go far enough, in their minds. We need to do more. That’s their mission, to keep doubling down on failed policies until total and complete civil disarmament is achieved.

When background checks fail, we need registration. When registration fails, we need confiscation. When confiscation backfires, we need to eliminate pro-gunners aka patriots. Yup, that’s the endgame.  To totally kill the autonomy and personal freedoms of the individual.  How else can one explain their intractable commitment to ignoring facts, reason, and the Constitution?

12 thoughts on “Member of UN’s Program of Action on Small Arms: ‘Stricter Gun Control Is Inevitable’

  1. “The news network allowed a dude by the name of Philip Alpers to write an op-ed, entitled, ‘Trump or Clinton, Stricter Gun Control Is Inevitable.’ ”

    NO….vain attempts at stricter gun control are inevitable, but we’ve been seeing for years that compliance and/or enforcement is a whole-nother story.

    Mr. Gun Grabber wants to make it so by suggesting it, but the reality is very different. I think he’s expecting people to argue the point forever without actually stringing someone up, but that’s not the way things are going to work out.

  2. “Yet, people like Alpers will never concede this fact. Instead, they’ll continue to trumpet the call for eliminating one’s right to keep and bear arms, inch by inch.”

    Which is exactly why commie scumbags like Alpers are what REALLY needs to be eliminated.

    “How else can one explain their intractable commitment to ignoring facts, reason, and the Constitution?”

    The Constitution isn’t the real issue here.


  3. F the fake voting! F the UN!
    This ship is FAR past corrupt! SNAFUBAR
    I like BORDERS, and I’m staying! Keeping ALL my arms too!
    Psychopathic FREAKS are gonna do what they do.
    I’ll do what American Nationals got to do!!
    If it’s the last thing I do! I swear it! So help me god…

    P.S.. Greetings to all proper thinking folk who will do the same.

  4. Great. Now the f–king Australians are trying to tell me what to do.
    You know, if I have to wage war against the entire planet to gain my rights and my freedom, I will do so!
    F–king Australians…and your f–king kangaroos.
    You better stay down there below the equator where I can’t see you!
    Stay down!
    I hope a crocodile steals your baby!
    F–king Wusstralians.

  5. Up yours, UN! You don’t control me or anyone else. We’ll do whatever the F**k we want. Take your gun control shit and shove it up your ass. See if it fits….

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

  6. ““In many other nations, improvements are well under way,” wrote Alpers. “Latin Americans, for example, suffer gun death rates to make your toes curl. For this reason Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia joined Australia, the United Kingdom and democratic countries in the Pacific Rim in mounting massive national disarmament and firearm destruction programs, each followed by fewer gun deaths.””

    Gee….last time I heard the Cartels in Mexico own everyone and everything by the gun and the Mexicans are trying hard to protect and defend themselves with the little amount of guns they acquire off the black market because their government (owned by the Cartels) have banned and confiscated them all. So in other words, your example just fell down the hole. And if you don’t believe me, ask the guy who got hung over the pedestrian bridge the other night in Mexico. Yep, they’re doing real good. NOT!

    “When background checks fail, we need registration. When registration fails, we need confiscation. When confiscation backfires, we need to eliminate pro-gunners aka patriots. Yup, that’s the endgame. To totally kill the autonomy and personal freedoms of the individual. How else can one explain their intractable commitment to ignoring facts, reason, and the Constitution?”

    Yep, that about sums it up.

  7. ““Unique to the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution is just that — an amendment. As with universal suffrage, the abolition of slavery and Prohibition, Americans are free to change an outdated law when they so choose,” wrote Alpers. “The solution to armed violence, America’s fatal flaw, is not unthinkable.””

    And Aussie telling me how to interpret my Bill of Rights is like me telling a Chinese National how to interpret their Founding documents. What a joke. Shut up and stay in your own damn country and stop trying to change mine. Go wrestle a croc or box a kangaroo, you dumbass.

  8. ““Unique to the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution is just that — an amendment. As with universal suffrage, the abolition of slavery and Prohibition, Americans are free to change an outdated law when they so choose,” wrote Alpers. “The solution to armed violence, America’s fatal flaw, is not unthinkable.””

    “an outdated law”
    It is not a law, it is a right.
    Rights never Out-date.
    Of course 64,000 repeats program the truth until it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy that it was in hindsight considered insane that it took so long for the light to be seen by the masses.

    Now Americans can volunteer to give up said rights, but they can’t make it mandatory for OTHER Americans, although the programming of the population by the talking heads who’s thoughts are supposed to be copied by the population indicate that it should be different according to some. Not to mention the special attention the younger generations get from government institutions called educational to massage them young and malleable brains.

    Now about a hundred million Americans say intercourse you to the world and their peasants who have grown to be content with being teeth-less (Unarmed) slobs that are told by a very small minority of this world in the form of their ‘leaders’ what their live should be like, how they should be happy, what pool of happiness they can lawfully choose from to achieve said happiness and what rights they have. They don’t have the right and thus not the means to lawfully defend themselves. In order to straighten that out, they should point their fingers to their own leaders, because the only finger they will get from the Americans is the middle finger.

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