Militia Threatens to Block Traffic at International Bridges

 Let’s see how this works out.

KRGV 5 News

McALLEN – Law enforcement officials and city leaders from across the Rio Grande Valley are preparing for what they say could result in tense moments or violence.

Officials say they received word that members of a militia are threatening to block ports of entry.  

In Starr County, international bridge authorities met with Customs and Border Protection officials Thursday. Their goal was to discuss the potential problem and find a plan of action.

Starr County has international bridges in Rio Grande City, Roma and Falcon Dam.

Officials received word that members of a militia plan to protest illegal crossings by blocking traffic on Sept. 20.

Rio Grande City Mayor Ruben Villarreal said members of the group have a right to express their opinion. His is concerned about the group’s intent, though.

“What can we expect? I don’t know. The unknown becomes an issue that we really got to prepare for,” Villarreal said.

“I’m a 100 percent sure that with the National Guard, with DPS, with Border Patrol and local law enforcement, we’ll communicate and we’ll handle whatever comes,” he said.

“The level of communication that exists doesn’t get talked about enough. It’s an extraordinary amount of communication,” Villarreal said.

Villarreal said he is worried about safety.

“If they’re here to block traffic, to be a hindrance between traffic and the port of entry, that causes a problem. It’s a huge safety issue,” Villarreal said.

Villarreal said blocking international traffic could impact the local economy.

“A port of entry is not just a port of entry for people; it’s also a port of entry for commerce. There are hundreds of millions of dollars that transact at the ports of entry. If their intent is to cause a disruption at a port of entry, it’s not only a matter of people, it’s a matter of commerce as well,” he said.

Villarreal said he is concerned about possible violence.

“I know that the state of Texas provides for them to be able to display their firearms,” he said.

“I’m not going to lie to you; it’s going to make us nervous. We’re not used to seeing firearms being openly displayed,” he said.

Villarreal said even though they’re not familiar with the militia, they plan to be prepared.

“We’ve never dealt with militia here in Starr County. We don’t know what their temperament is or their personality might be. I can tell you that knowing that they might be here … helps us prepare for what ever may come,” he said.


5 thoughts on “Militia Threatens to Block Traffic at International Bridges

  1. So law enforcement will be there to protect the rights of the illegals and stomp on the rights of the legal AMERICAN citizens that see something very wrong with the ameriKa that signs their traitorous pay checks. These traitors need to pay for the crimes that they willingly commit against the LEGAL AMERICANS in this country!We have become the USSA and till AMERICA is taken back from them its only going to get worse.We keep hearing work in the system to change things and we also see what working in that corrupt cesspool accomplishes which is only further decline.

  2. Is this plan to block Starr County port bridges true? How can anyone trust the veracity of a story from an MSM (CIA-TV) affliliate? And from whom did officials “receive word” of a militia protest – DHS script writers?

    A militia “protest” makes no sense, unless the banksters’ minions are using “members of a militia” (actors?) to stir up public sheeple opinion and resentment against true militia for a little more chaos a la gladio style.

  3. This mexican vaquero Mayor knows nothing about the American Militia except for what he sees on social networking sites. What the hey is this guy doing in this country, let alone mayor. Oh yeah, the corp. doesn’t represent you or I, yet still this ignorance about our country is obvious. And he feels safe that all these unconstitutional agencies are there, and is preparing to deal with the militia, yet has concerns about the militia!

  4. ““I’m not going to lie to you; it’s going to make us nervous. We’re not used to seeing firearms being openly displayed,” he said.

    Villarreal said even though they’re not familiar with the militia, they plan to be prepared.

    “We’ve never dealt with militia here in Starr County. We don’t know what their temperament is or their personality might be. I can tell you that knowing that they might be here … helps us prepare for what ever may come,” he said.”

    Villarreal, you’re a treasonous piece of shit!

  5. “Threatens”?

    Brilliant strategy.

    Don’t you think it would be far more effective if you didn’t BROADCAST your plans in advance, so the enemy would have plenty of time to prepare?

    Seems logical to me, anyway.

    Assuming you’re serious, that is.

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