Monroe County woman sues county after wrongful imprisonment from false drug test results

13 WMAZ News

A woman is suing Monroe County after a wrongful arrest. A roadside drug test falsely labeled a bag of cotton candy as methamphetamine. Dasha Fincher says Dec. 31, 2016 is a day she’ll never forget. She says deputies with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office pulled her over and searched her car.

“Then they found the cotton candy in the floorboard of the car,” said Fincher. 

She says Deputy Cody Maples and Deputy Kevin Williams asked her what was in the bag. She said cotton candy, but they didn’t believe her. An incident report says, “based on the packaging and crystal like feature, Corporal Williams tested the substance.”

Monroe Incident by 13WMAZ on Scribd

“They said that the results from the roadside kit came back as positive,” said Fincher.

She was put in jail for more than three months. Fincher says a judge set her bond at $1 million. In March 22, 2017, GBI lab tests came back to said there were “no controlled substances confirmed in the sample.”

Monroe Crime Lab by 13WMAZ on Scribd

“I want Monroe County to pay for they did to me,” said Fincher.

Fincher filed a lawsuit Thursday against Monroe County, the two deputies who arrested her, the company that manufactured the drug test, and others. Prosecutors dropped the charges against Fincher in April 18, 2017. She says she missed major life events while locked up.

Monroe Lawsuit by 13WMAZ on Scribd

“My daughter had a miscarriage. I wasn’t there for that. My twin grandsons were born. I missed that,” said Fincher.

She says this situation has made her a bit paranoid, but she’s happy to be back with her family.

“I never want to go through this again,” said Fincher.

Fincher’s lawyer says the defendants have 30 days to respond to the suit after it’s served.

One thought on “Monroe County woman sues county after wrongful imprisonment from false drug test results

  1. Please don’t go after us tax payers

    Go civil suit and take the property of every one involved
    Even if it’s a lower number
    Fight not only for yourself, but everyone that’s next
    Patriots will appreciate this

    Than find a way in a year or two to frame those pigs and send them where they were about to send you
    Two to a million can play this game

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