Mother and 16 month old baby DENIED entry to United Flight for using the wrong PRONOUNS for flight attendant.

7 thoughts on “Mother and 16 month old baby DENIED entry to United Flight for using the wrong PRONOUNS for flight attendant.

  1. The communism is emboldening itself, expecting us to go along. Do they know uprising is also being emboldened? Boiling point on the horizon. But hey, today’s debate will certainly show the man who’ll fix everything and create heaven on earth. 3 p.m., eastern. Popcorn please.


  2. Speaking of Communism…

    “Voting is consent to whatever the outcome is.”
    — Comment on Internet Radio

    Some might rightly assert that slavery came earlier, but this stated below certainly gave it a super boost:

    “The US Civil War was a successful coup d’état by the Zionist House of Rothschild, which indebted and enslaved both the Union and the Confederacy. In 1868, the 14th Amendment transformed all Americans, whether black, white, or other, from sovereigns to slaves (subjects of the English monarch). Thus, the 14th Amendment was in fact the LAUNCH OF UNIVERSAL SLAVERY in the USA. But, because ‘Team Antichrist’ is totally addicted to satanic inversion, it teaches the very opposite in the ‘education’ system and in the ‘official-truth’ ‘history’ books.”
    — Patrick O’Carroll, ‘Ten Coups That Enslaved America,’ 6/27/24

    “The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.”
    — From The U.N. World Constitution

    What was it The Everly Brothers sang? Oh yeah, Dree ee ee ee em, Dream, Dream, Dream.



  3. I use just one catchall pronoun for everyone “ASSHOLE’ it ends all the confusion of trying to remember who’s who and what’s what and all that politically right/correct crap. Try it yourself and see if you are not annoyed less and actually smile and people think you are friendly and pleasent.

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