Nadler: I Think the Judiciary Committee Will Vote for an Assault Weapons Ban

Breitbart – by Ian Hanchett

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) discussed the House Judiciary Committee’s upcoming hearing on an assault weapons ban and stated that he assumes “we will vote for” an assault weapons ban. 

Nadler said, “[O]n, September 25th, in two weeks, we will have a hearing on the assault weapons ban, and one of the bills we reported yesterday was to ban the sale of high-capacity magazines, which, by all testimony, is what makes these mass shootings much worse. So, we’re doing that. Buybacks may go a little further than people are willing to go — mandatory buybacks, but certainly, an assault weapons ban, we will consider, and I assume we will vote for it.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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One thought on “Nadler: I Think the Judiciary Committee Will Vote for an Assault Weapons Ban

  1. Do whatever you planned on doing because one thing is damn sure and that’s that you don’t have the consent of the people or the bill of rights. Traitors will be traitors and you will be dealt with as such. Expect no mercy because you have shown us none. It works both ways slimeball.

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