Nancy Pelosi: Be Romantic This Valentine’s Day And Sign Up For Obamacare

Truth Revolt

This Sunday is Valentine’s Day and as many couples across the country will be taking long walks on the beach, going out to eat, or just cuddling up to watch a romantic film, Nancy Pelosi has offered her input on what you should do with your loved one.  Take your significant other to sign up for Obamacare.

Pointing out that this Sunday is the last day to sign up for the Affordable Care Act, Pelosi finished with a small joke (although she was deadly serious) and reminded the attendees to enjoy their day of romance by signing up.

She said, “And by the way, don’t forget.  Valentine’s Day is coming up.  As a nice Valentine’s Day you can take your loved one to sign up for the Affordable Care Act.”

2 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi: Be Romantic This Valentine’s Day And Sign Up For Obamacare

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ROLMFAO!!! Oh man, this woman or “thing” is absolutely useless and pathetic. I don’t even no where to begin. I’m beginning to wonder if every politician is just going all out these days to see who can say the darnedest thing to We the People. A two year old has more intelligence than these political puppets.

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