5 thoughts on “New Gun Control Ad Campaign Encourages Parents To Ask Neighbors If They Have Guns!

  1. What a fool. This isnt even accurate or true haha. Your not 22 times more likley to do anything just because you own something. These morons act like ownership of an inanimate object can somehow alter your mental state. Ive never got picked up a hammer and felt the need to bash another human beings head in so why would i feel the need when i pick up a gun? No nail to hit? Set hammer down. No animal/potential life threating attacker to shoot? Lock gun back up. That guys spreading propaganda and lies for his communist influencers. You can not fight civil rights. You couldnt fight equal rights and your not gonna fight gun rights.

  2. Nosy Neighbor: “Hey, I was wondering . . . do you own any guns?”
    Nunyobiddness: “Can you keep a secret?”
    Nosy Neighbor: “Sure!”
    Nunyobiddness: “Me too.”

  3. “One question can save your child’s life”.

    How’s THAT for transparent? AGAIN, let’s make it all about “the children”. Freakin’ losers.

    Actually, it comes down more than just one question. I can think of three offhand.:

    #1 Do you believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2nd amendment?

    #2 IF yes, do you own any guns?

    #3 IF yes, are you willing to fight this communist so-called ‘government’ to protect the lives of your family & friends?

    These are the only questions neighbors should be asking one another.

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