No jail time for former Dem Baltimore prosecutor convicted of perjury, mortgage fraud

By Jarryd Jaeger – The Postmillennial

No jail time for former Dem Baltimore prosecutor convicted of perjury, mortgage fraud

On Thursday, Marilyn Mosby was sentenced after being convicted of perjury and mortgage fraud.

The 44-year-old former Baltimore city prosecutor was spared jail time, instead receiving a sentence of 12 months home confinement, 100 hours of community service, and three years of supervised release.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who attended the sentencing hearing as a supporter, was seen celebrating the sentencing with Mosby and others.

According to the Associated Press, Mosby was accused of having withdrawn $90,000 from Baltimore’s deferred compensation plan in 2020 to make down payments on two homes in Florida, one in Kissimmee and another in Longboat Key.

Prosecutors argued that Mosby had lied about the impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on her travel-related side business in order to receive funds via the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

While Mosby’s lawyers claimed that the $90,000 came from her own retirement funds and that she had paid a penalty to access it prematurely on top of federal taxes, the government maintained that it was the property of the city, and should have remained so until she was actually eligible to receive it.

Mosby was also said to have submitted a “gift letter” of $5,000 in order to take out a loan that was used to purchase the aforementioned property in Longboat Key that, contrary to her claims that it was from her husband, had actually come from her own account.

Prosecutors argued that Mosby never would have received the loan without the gift letter, thus by lying about the origins of the money, she had committed a fraudulent act.

Assistant US Attorney Sean Delaney tried to persuade Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby to hand down a sentence of 20 months, however she declined, asking him, “Are there victims and who are they?” Griggsby did, however, agree that the fact Mosby appeared unapologetic for her behavior should be factored into her sentence.

Prior to hearing her fate, Mosby had sought a presidential pardon from Joe Biden. That process is ongoing, as is an appeal of her conviction and sentence.

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