7 thoughts on “No Left v. Right, No Black v. White, Just Liberty v. Slavery, Lines Being Drawn, Time To Choose

  1. This is the sound of a sheepdog type pig who doesn’t get what the Bill of Rights says. He’s only trying to save his former “spec ops veteran” self serving arse and then has the mf’g BALLS to refer to US as “my citizens”.

    Too little, too late, my mf’g pig tyrant. Catch a bullet on your next tour of duty on OUR streets, treating US like the enemy and pissing on our legs while telling US it’s raining.

    You violated your oath REPEATEDLY for decades and this “I am on your side” shite ain’t gonna save your neck from US.

    “Get the families of the terrorists. Get their wives” djt

    Other than that, he IS right! 🙂

  2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–my retired-ex-cop friend (who worked in Odessa, BTW) told me years ago that most folks who become cops now are psychopaths. “Law enforcement” is all about the money and all about the “power”…and also you have “fraternities” that, if you turn at all on fellow cops, you will be “dealt with” if you know what I mean.

    So I hate to break it to you, cop in video, but you are in a very small minority of cops, if you do believe every word you said…oh, and it’s the Bill of Rights, not the Constitution which was abrogated many years ago. Bush called it a piece of paper…Hmmmmmm….but the Bill of Rights is unalienable.

  3. Interesting comments on this at the YouTube page. They run the gamut of awareness. Now I might get pounced on for writing this but… Oh well, here it goes: I’ve been thinkin’ about this guy all day. Been flip-floppin’ on how I perceive him. I mean, what if this really was an authentic attack of conscience that somehow kicked in, even after serving in military and then following with 10 years as a cop, and even if all the pieces to the puzzle had not yet assembled in his mind. I was asking, “Could this be the beginning of his awakening, and could he influence other cops?” Yeah, I know it’s doubtful, but I, myself certainly have a banquet of misconceptions and distortions in my own past. I’m just throwin’ this out there for The Bill of Rights in welcoming any who might come to the fight. We have Trenchers who are ex-military, who woke up, so why not cops? Yeah, paycheck. Yeah, indoctrination, etc., but maybe this guy will go further, will put liberty before job and security, and really face the tyranny. Now that he admits to knowing what he knows, seeing what he sees, I think he’s one to watch. What’s his next move gonna be? He’ll either show himself to be a warrior or a conformer. You can’t be both, so I bet we’ll find out in the next few days or so what he’s really made of. One to watch.


    1. Dude, you trample on people’s rights every time you don that uniform. Calling out cops that are in your opinion way over the top is no justification for you yourself daily enforcing corporate dictates.
      You should have made this video 10 yrs ago when you became a traitor because cops were and have been violating the people’s rights FOREVER.
      Dude, every time you pull someone over for a broke turn signal do you ask yourself if you are doing the right thing in VIOLATING that person’s BILL OF RIGHTS.
      “People and law enforcement will be united as we should be.” WRONG! Buddy, you aren’t enforcing law BUT policy set forth by the CRIMINAL STATE.
      Dude makes a big deal about the current situation but obviously thinks that what he and other cops do when not in this PLANDEMIC is just oki dokie.
      To have been credible he should have ripped that uniform off, apologized for having been just another unelected criminal that has now seen the light of day, then beg for our forgiveness & mercy for being a decade long traitor to the BILL OF RIGHTS.

      1. Thanks, Katie. It would be nice to wake up in the morning and find that he did just what you said. Ha!!

        I thought I’d ask if he meant business but I was not successful in locating him.


  4. To begin with, we are not his or anybody else’s citizens, we are the sovereign authority in this country. And it is not just a matter of the violation of the rights, it is the fact that he and his fellow officers are working for a private corporation with a private judicial system that is a violation of the law.
    Just sitting there in that uniform under color of legalese, he and his fellow officers are without question guilty of treason and sedition. We the people not only never consented to any government authority over us, but we specifically forbade it.
    Is he getting a conscience as a part of some epiphany or because of the realization that the people are not going to rise up, but are rising up?
    I would like to sit down with him and fully inform him of the treachery that he is a part of in being a part of an unlawful corporate occupation that has committed crimes against the sovereigns of this country beyond calculation and then hear him speak again.
    Maybe he has a conscience or maybe he is intelligent enough to see the writing on the wall and from his experience fighting for the international corporate mafia understands what the largest army on planet earth is fixing to do, which has gone beyond just setting things a right deeply into the realms of revenge.
    This is something that we didn’t ask for, and being a peaceful people we have endured for far too long. Pent up rage will be satisfied and woe to any who try to stand in our way once the Kraken is released.

    1. “I would like to sit down with him and fully inform him of the treachery that he is a part of…”

      I would like to do that too, Henry. That man put himself on the hot-seat and also under the microscope. I’m invested in doing all I can to find out where he’s headin’ with all this.


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