Notice: Constitutional Militias are Withdrawing from Bundy Ranch

Daily Paul

A Letter to the Public, 4 May 2014
Notice: Constitutional Militias are Withdrawing from Bundy Ranch

When the call came out from militias in Nevada that they needed help because a rancher’s Constitutional rights were being violated, Constitutional militia men, defensive patriot groups, and humanitarian aid groups responded from all over the United States. Individual citizens showed up to protest, and the Sleeping Giant was awakened. The Federal government, especially the BLM, found out that if they are going to trample on the Constitutional Rights of U.S. Citizens, they will meet overwhelming resistance. The mission went as all Constitutional Militias prayed it would; the BLM was forced to leave without either side firing a shot.  

It is the Goal of all Constitutional Militias and Patriot groups to take our country back without bloodshed. This will, in time, be accomplished as long as the government does not fire on them. If they do then there will, unfortunately, be bloodshed.

Several Militia and Patriot group leaders have conferred, and yesterday, a message was given to one of the people that guards Mr. Cliven Bundy. Mr. Bundy was given an option. He can continue to keep Ryan Payne, a man called Buddha, who refuses to let anyone know who he really is, their other associates with Operation Mutual Aid, and the Mountain Men Militia, and the Constitutional Militias will go home. Or, Mr. Bundy can tell these militants that he wants Constitutional Militias guarding him and we will return when these others leave. This is Mr. Bundy’s choice; the constitutional Militias will NOT be part of any group trying to start a war.

There are now people at the ranch who are best described as militant. These people want to force an armed confrontation. Some are with Operation Mutual Aid and the Mountain Men Militia which are not as their actions have proven Constitutional Militias. Ryan Payne of Operation Mutual Aid has released a stream of videos making accusations of Militias and Oath Keepers being cowards because they fell back and scattered out when the possibility of a drone strike was obtained through intelligence channels. It appears that Mr. Payne’s intent is to discredit other groups so he can remain in control, and that he wants a war. The Militias want a solution. Many militia members have been to war, and will fight if that time comes, but are in absolutely no hurry to speed up the process and kill other Americans if it can be stopped without violence.

It is now past the time for Mr. Bundy to respond. Therefore, we have to assume his choice is to keep who he has at the ranch. Any illegal action by any person at the ranch now has nothing to do with any Constitutional Militias, as an agreed stand down order has been stated to pull out. From this point on, any conflict started by the people at the ranch rest solely upon those there, and the Bundy’s, and not any of the Constitutional Militias who traveled thousands of miles to protect the Bundy’s.

We, the Constitutional Militias, thank the people of Bunkerville for their support and the way they welcomed us into their community. We thank the Bundy’s for their hospitality while we were there. We wish both the Bundy’s and the Citizens of Nevada good luck with this situation and hope it ends well.

To the Federal Government, I want them to understand this: No Patriot Group or Constitutional Militia involved are deserting the Bundy’s. While we will not support illegal militant groups if they start something, we will return if the Bundy’s are further assaulted or their Constitutional Rights are violated again. Keep in mind that this last response was proportional. If this was a test to measure our strength, it failed miserably; you still do not know the size of the American Patriot movement or its capabilities.
There have been accusations made against people and groups; I personally am seeing that they are looked into. If those accusations are found to be true, they will be dealt with. One of the biggest problems we have had since the beginning is Ryan Payne, with Operation Mutual Aid, trying to sew division. The persons who have created this problem will not be allowed to participate in any of the Constitutional Militia’s areas if conflict occurs. We will not tolerate militants, liars, thieves, infiltrators, provocateurs, or any of the like. Just like the military, there is conflict at times that must be handled, but the correct way is to deal with these problems is in house, and not to air dirty laundry in public. I personally apologize to all who have been exposed to the aforementioned videos; they were very unprofessional, and purposely done to discredit the Constitutional Militias. It makes me wonder about the true intentions of those involved. God Bless America and every one of us who lives here.

Ever Vigilant,
CPT Eric C. Rahn – Commanding
Alpha Co, 423rd Battalion, 28th Field Force
Texas Light Foot Militia


32 thoughts on “Notice: Constitutional Militias are Withdrawing from Bundy Ranch

  1. They need to hash this out and find the infiltraters and remove them. By force if necessary. The gov needs to know that the American Patriots are unified.

  2. This is just what we need…more infighting NOT! I thought anyone with a military and or police background would know that maintaining unity of command is essential. Sure there will be differences, but to act like spoiled brats in the face of the American people is childish and stupid. So, do like we did in the military. Off came the rank insignia and behind the tents we went and fists flew. Then we went back to work. Geez!

  3. Still can’t believe that Eric Rahn is trying to claim he is somebody in the Militia. Eric Rahn is a WANNA BE who always claims some rank and title over some Militia unit when in fact he is only the leader of his own cult following. People need to REALLY WORK ON VETTING INFO before it gets spread around.

    I know Eric Rahn, dealt with him for over a year, and outed him as a pretender and manipulator for his own personal gain.He likes to chase any limelight he can get. Unfortunately, he is making YOU ALL look like FOOLS for buying his CRAP.

    He speaks for NO MILITIA I know of. Last year he was still claiming to be a Lt Col over an entire Battalion, when he might of had 3 people following him.

    He is a perfect example of WHY I resigned all rank and title in ANY Militia. I am just another armed citizen defending my family and State from tyranny. The so called organized Militia’s are co-opted and the majority of the people involved are either glory hounds, opportunists, or idiots like Eric Rahn.

    There are GOOD PEOPLE at the Bundy Ranch I’m sure, everyone on the side lines needs to quit buying into HYPE that is meant to DIVIDE us as PEOPLE. VET YOUR INTEL AND INFO!!!

    Who ever posted this to The Daily Paul is likely a SHILL and pulled a fast one on A LOT OF FOLKS. LMAO!

    North East Texas
    Former Militia organizer and leader.

    1. You say we bought into this because we posted it.
      Not hardly. Right now, Mark Koernke is on the Intelligence Report tearing this enemy propaganda apart.
      We are not going to ignore the enemy propaganda, we are going to destroy it upon its inception. Your comment would serve that purpose, but don’t diss on us and act like we’re stupid.

      1. Exactly.

        @ Etxpatriot,
        There are times when I have sent in posts that are obvious propaganda, simply because it is important to “Know your Enemy.” Just because a story is posted, don’t think that we’ve “bought into it.” 😉
        I appreciate seeing the propaganda, so I can strategize. 😉 🙂
        We, in the Trenches, are NOT Fools.

    2. Just because it is posted here doesn’t mean anyone bought it. It is here for the intelligent people in the trenches to discuss. Think ahead before you assume folks believe what they read. Sometimes propaganda gets discussion going that educates folks.

      Somewhere in America
      Formerly asleep, leader of my own destiny

    3. know your enemy Etxpatriot. That is one of things this site is all about. We here on the trenches are NOT on the sidelines as you say. We are armed and ready to act as individuals. Are you? You say, “I am just another armed citizen defending my family and State from tyranny”. That is what militia IS, as I understand it, among other things.

    4. Glad to see some people vet info and can discern propaganda from intel. My jab was at those who DID actually buy into it. If you took it personally, that’s a personal problem.

      One of my encounters with this individual Eric Rahn, one of the many, involved his posting of the false reports put out concerning FEMA signs found in semi’s going into Houston. At the time he was the so called Comm’s Sgt for his proficiency at connecting on the internet. He is the classic keyboard warrior.

      As I told him then, putting out (or posting) these things when they are not vetted as first person, or at the very least 2nd person confirmed knowledge, we play into to their propaganda and psyops.

      This site is the third place his letter has popped up in less than 48 hours. Either he is that “socially connected”, been promoted to a higher position with the Militia’s on the ground at the ranch unbeknownst to me, OR the ramblings of a MAD MAN has now got everyone thinking the Militia’s are pulling out.

      Eric Rahn, if he was even in Nevada in the first place, was one of a few so called Militia I saw on various video’s being posted that are NOT people the Bundy’s need around there.

      I just hope the boots on the ground and those taking the leads are the good one’s.

      Now we wait to see what happens there and the rest of this nation.

      I apologize if I offended anyone.


      1. We ripped Eric Rahn apart on the Liberty Tree radio show. 25,000 people now realize he is a mal adjusted piss ant with a coward complex who had to ask for directions for the fastest way back to Texas.

        Actually, it made the whole show. Especially after we read your analysis over the air. 🙂


    General cool guy
    somewhere in Oregon
    420th electronics warfare div
    Cascadian Anti-Tyranny Guerrillas

  5. There is no such thing as a constitutional militia. The militia preceded the Constitution and is in no way limited by it.

  6. I just sent Henry a story – WWIII has already been lost and the Chinese are in the process of occupying America | Intellihub News
    I would like to know what you all think in the comment area. You folks are a hell’ava lot smarter then me and have ways of vetting I never thought of. If this story true the SWHTF shortly. I am but a single old person in Oregon willing to fight and the only good info I get in from the Trenches,
    I hope I am not jumping the gun here. If I am I apologize.

  7. I was watching the History Channels “The Revolution” on dvd. Seems like the more things change the more they stay the same. But I would say the militia at Bunkerville is doing a lot better than the one back in the 1700’s. Them guys really didn’t get along.

  8. Ryan Payne is either a direct OPERATION PATCON agent or simply a lunatic playing into the FED’s hands.

  9. I just hate to see vigilant honorable people belittled and demonized by the insane actions of those who would call themselves “brothers”, but only serve their own narcissism.

    I care not if they are co-opted, plants, shills, or just plain some kind of “path”. They are enemies one and all to the plight of freedom and liberty.

    Militia are those who answer the call when the chips are down with no regard to their own personal being only to protecting those who are being threatened by others. Unfortunately, too many have used the title and tarnished it’s true meaning.

  10. This is the Bundy Ranch blog that is slow to update and doesn’t give “Militia” news.

    I find it interesting that there is no designated POC from the “Militia’s” being put out there. Sure would help to dispel rumors if there was one set up. imho

    Could of put a stop to the BS with Stewart and his glory hounds and the “drama” it helped to generate.

    I tried to stay lurking and following the headlines, Trenches being one of the best, but when I saw that letter Rahn posted on FB here after seeing it being posted at DP.

    If you all knew the headaches that arose and are still arising because “Militia” members REFUSED to see the writing on the wall with that guy and others. Too many of them are running themselves down the rail to a dead end and taking too many with them.

    At this point I’d put more faith in the Cowboys with six guns than I would “Militias”. Too many glaring weaknesses rared their ugly heads over this.

    We the people, whether we call ourselves “militia” or not, will restore liberty to those who are willing to stand for it.

  11. I personally know some folks from Operation Mutual Aid and I would rather have them fighting by my side than any militia out there. Also, Ryan Payne is not a “fed” like most of you idiots want to believe. The man has just had enough of this government, just like most of us. If you pull out, you are cowards just like stewie Rhodes and his Note-Keepers. I’d rather be associated as a militant, than a coward “constitutional militia”…
    F you all.

    1. Zaphod, is just a guy you know?

      As far as I can tell the best units “We The People” of this land have for a militia defense are going to be comprised of assholes and hard cases. Me included just not to the max like others. I feel better with Ryan Payne types being decisive over “poo-y hit the rhodes” types like “donation-keepers”.

      “We The People” have discussed a dinner date for far to long. “We The People” took way to long to make reservations. Bunkerville was “WE THE PEOPLE” showing up to the restaurant of freedom…

      What we face as a people did not end and is not ending NO HOW with Bunkerville. It was not but a single brush fire…

      …and we all know the forest of dc has yet to even start ablaze.

  12. Well we must be getting close because the noise level and psyops have been ratcheted up signifigantly. As the IRA found out there will always be infiltraitors and touts. Up is down and black is white.

    You can tell the bad guys from the good guys thusly “the bad guys are the ones shooting at you”.

  13. That’s what I’m saying, we need to solve this peacefully while they spray us like bugs, shoot us dead in the street everyday, produce lie after unbelievable lie on the media, use our money against us, allow a never ending line of immigrants to openly flaunt our laws and take our resources while they somehow are able to support these communists with votes and money, poison our foods and water supply, force unconstitutional laws on us and then declare us criminals, perpetrate hoax after hoax on dumbed down sheeple, take your kids, your property and your life if you dare speak out, etc… Hell they already took most of peoples life savings and are set to take the rest, these assholes evidently promised China something that we’ll never even know about. Obviously we are so far past any peaceful solution it’s just plain cowardly to suggest otherwise.

    1. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — John F. Kennedy

      “…when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government…”

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