NSA Is Offline So Here “They” Come: Multiple Bomb Threats Made Against US Aircraft, NBC Reports

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden


You don’t say. Now let’s find the NSA agent who dialed them in.

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Who could have seen this coming? Just 24 hours after the NSA goes “dark” from “securing” the nation against terrorist threat (by recording and storing all domestic phone calls) we get this:  


According to NBC, these threats are against planes already in the sky.

Passengers are being deplaned after a bomb threat hoax in Philadelphia

What turned out to be a hoax led to police searching a US Airways flight and its passengers after it landed at Philadelphia International Airport Tuesday morning.

The airport confirmed there was a police investigation going on around 6:30 a.m. after flight 648 from San Diego landed as scheduled in Philly with 88 passengers and five crew on board.

The aircraft had taken off from California at 10:35 p.m. PDT and landed in Philadelphia on schedule shortly after 6:15 a.m. EDT.

“The TSA Operations Center in Washington, DC had received a phone threat stating that there was an explosive device on the plane,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Joe Sullivan. “Out of an abundance of caution” the airport declared a bomb threat and moved the plane to a remote area.

And from NBC:

At least five bomb threats were phoned in Tuesday against flights originating or landing in the United States, government sources told NBC News. The sources said that the threats were not deemed credible.

Four of the five flights — one each from US Airways, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and the Mexican carrier Volaris — landed. The fifth, Korean Air Flight 23 from Seoul to San Francisco, was still in the air, scheduled to land Tuesday afternoon.

In Philadelphia, police met the US Airways plane, Flight 648 from San Diego, when it landed. NBC Philadelphia reported that a police bomb squad, including dogs, searched the plane and passengers and gave the all-clear.

The three other flights that had landed were Delta Flight 55, from Los Angeles to Atlanta; United Flight 995, from San Francisco to Chicago O’Hare; and Volaris Flight 939, from Portland, Oregon,to Guadalajara, Mexico.

Hoax threats have been made against almost a dozen planes over the past two

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US equity markets dropped on the news but judging by how fast stocks rebounded after the original CNBC report it makes one wonder if this was just a trial balloon to see how fast BTFDers BTFD after a terrorism headline. The answer: 5 minutes.


Conclusion: the Fear Department will need to work harder to overcome the natural instinct of an entire generation of BTFDers to inspire a marketwide panic.


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