Obama announces sanctions against 7 Russian officials after Crimea referendum

	In this March 12, 2014, photo, President Barack Obama listens during his meeting with Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Obama is seeking changes in overtime rules that will make millions of workers eligible for time-and-a-half pay for their extra work. Obama intends to sign a presidential memorandum on March 13 directing the Department of Labor to propose rules that expand the number of employees who benefit from overtime pay. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)New York Daily News – by JAMES WARREN

WASHINGTON — Even after Russian state media warned of Putin’s ability to turn the U.S. into “radioactive ash,” an outraged President Obama slapped sanctions against Russian officials in response to Crimea’s vote to secede from Ukraine.

Obama said Monday there are “clear consequences” for Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine.  

In ratcheting up penalties against Russia, Obama continues to choose butter over guns as a strategy. There remains no suggestion that the U.S. or European Union will get involved militarily in the crisis.

Instead, a day after the seemingly rigged Crimean secession vote, Obama led an international show of outrage that singled out top Putin chums seen as helping Putin “undermine the sovereignty” of Ukraine, he said at the White House.

In all, the U.S. named seven Russians and four Ukrainians. In addition, the European Union has listed 21 individuals for sanctions but did not disclose those names.

Russian retaliation is likely as Obama and European Union counterparts expanded previously threatened sanctions. They added a variety of powerful individuals close to Putin, banning their travel and moving to block their international assets.

Ukrainian special troops stand guard in front of the parliament during a session in Kiev, on March 17, 2014. Ukraine's parliament on March 17 approved the partial mobilisation of troops to counter "Russian interference" in the country.


Ukrainian special troops stand guard in front of the parliament during a session in Kiev, on March 17, 2014. Ukraine’s parliament on March 17 approved the partial mobilisation of troops to counter “Russian interference” in the country.

Appearing in the White House briefing room, Obama said his new executive order expanding sanctions is intended to underscore that “further provocation will only further isolate Russia.”

He called Sunday’s vote “a clear violation” of the Ukraine constitution and international law.

He said he remained hopeful that there’s still a diplomatic way out of the crisis.

But, he said, that must include Russia pulling its Crimean forces back to its long-standing military bases in Crimea. They have been massing closer to the Ukraine border.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said prior to Obama appearing in the briefing room, making a statement and not taking questions.

“We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant,” the formal statement declared.

Members of Ukraine's parliament applaud after the chamber voted to dissolve the local assembly in the region of Crimea in Kiev Mach 15. Crimea, now under the control of Russian troops, holds a referendum on Sunday on joining Russia.


Members of Ukraine’s parliament applaud after the chamber voted to dissolve the local assembly in the region of Crimea in Kiev Mach 15. Crimea, now under the control of Russian troops, holds a referendum on Sunday on joining Russia.

What the White House claimed were “by far the most comprehensive sanctions” meted out against Russia since the Cold War ended included listing as targets Vladislav Surkov, a top Putin economic adviser known as the “gray cardinal,” and Sergey Glazyev, a top economic adviser.

No sanctions have been imposed on Putin or Sergey Lavrov, his foreign minister who has been in frequent contact with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, and does need to travel to continue any diplomacy.

But those socked Monday also include Valentina Matviyenko, chairman of the upper house of the Russian Parliament, and Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy prime minister.

The new sanctions disclosed by Obama involved political figures in Crimea, who have been working in seeming lock step with Putin.

They include Sergei Aksyonov, the new prime minister, and Vladimir Konstantinov, the new speaker of Crimea’s Parliament.

President Barack Obama is imposing sanctions against Russian officials after Crimea’s vote to secede from Ukraine. Crimeans decided on Sunday whether to break away from Ukraine and join Russia.


President Barack Obama is imposing sanctions against Russian officials after Crimea’s vote to secede from Ukraine. Crimeans decided on Sunday whether to break away from Ukraine and join Russia.

Viktor F. Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian president who was deposed in a popular uprising last month, was among others hit with sanctions.

Obama spoke to Putin over the weekend, telling the Russian president that he and his European allies were ready to impose “additional costs” on Moscow for violating Ukraine’s territory.

Then on Sunday, a Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow’s nuclear capabilities.

“Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash,” television presenter Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly current affairs show.

Behind him was a backdrop of a mushroom cloud following a nuclear blast.

Kiselyov was named by President Vladimir Putin in December as the head of a new state news agency whose task will be to portray Russia in the best possible light.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/obama-announces-sanctions-7-russian-officials-crimea-referendum-article-1.1724054#ixzz2wEs46PDt

3 thoughts on “Obama announces sanctions against 7 Russian officials after Crimea referendum

  1. Putin is shaking in his boots…. what a joke… Obama and his little pecker sanctions… Putin can shut the gas off to EU and the EU will tell Obama to get lost.. Putin can dump the dollar.

  2. NEWS FLASH!!!!

    FROM: American Mainstream Media of Pyschotic Liars……….


    In a statement just released by his sideshow spokesman,… Carney,… Obama has now threaten to hold his breath until he turns blue if Putin does not immediately withdraw from the Crimea.

    In a follow statement, Obama also declared he will not eat his dinner or go to bed on time if Russia refuses his demands….

    More as this story develops….

    JD – US Marines – Russia has a cold, calculating, pyschotic chess player,.. the West as an escaped zoo exhibit that is facisnated by shiny objects,… hmmmmm,… gee,… I wonder who is going to win that?

    1. ….if you wanted to be aware of the BS slipping out of the mouth of this reporter/writer….here is where you could really feel it….

      “Instead, a day after the seemingly rigged Crimean secession vote, Obama led an international show of outrage that singled out top Putin chums seen as helping Putin “undermine the sovereignty” of Ukraine, he said at the White House”

      “seemingly rigged”…? Huh? It is my understanding that the vote was voluntary….held in accordance with legal election protocols..and did not involve any of the “rigged” American Computers that “count” the American political vote?

      Obama and the US Government are traitors to their own people..and are international criminals..along with the rest of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton Crime Families….charge them all with treason…find them guilty and hang them…then let us begin to make amends around the world and in the US for allowing this criminal gang to last as long as it did…

      RJ O’Guillory
      Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

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