I found this jaw-dropping. In all my days I have never seen any so-called ‘world leaders’ speak like this to each other. Theater at its finest. At first I suspected it was all scripted but watching Zel’s body language speaks of him being caught off-guard. And all I could think of was “greater Israel” and wondered if they’re ditching Ukraine (except for its minerals and top-soil) now that they’ve got Gaza, West Bank, parts of Syria and Lebanon. It just seems so very strange. And are we actually getting those rare earth minerals that they’re stealing from the people of Ukraine? And the idea of Trump going all out to paint himself as a peace-maker is so ludicrous. Maybe this is because of his kids so he wants the history books to paint him as that. What disgustingness we are being slimed with.
Gov related: Trump, Zelenski, Vance, etc. at the oval office today:
I found this jaw-dropping. In all my days I have never seen any so-called ‘world leaders’ speak like this to each other. Theater at its finest. At first I suspected it was all scripted but watching Zel’s body language speaks of him being caught off-guard. And all I could think of was “greater Israel” and wondered if they’re ditching Ukraine (except for its minerals and top-soil) now that they’ve got Gaza, West Bank, parts of Syria and Lebanon. It just seems so very strange. And are we actually getting those rare earth minerals that they’re stealing from the people of Ukraine? And the idea of Trump going all out to paint himself as a peace-maker is so ludicrous. Maybe this is because of his kids so he wants the history books to paint him as that. What disgustingness we are being slimed with.