Officer accidentally tasers boy,10, during gun safety lesson


PLANTATION, Fla. (AP) – A police officer accidentally tasered a 10-year-old boy after telling him and his brother that the stun gun was dangerous and shouldn’t be touched.

The Sun Sentinel reports Plantation police Officer Iris Stan was staying with a friend and her two sons after being displaced by Hurricane Irma. She decided to discuss gun safety on Sept. 14 because her bedroom door didn’t lock and there were children in the house.  

According to records, she removed her taser and accidentally pulled the trigger. Internal Affairs documents released Wednesday states that the taser fired two probes, striking one of the boys in the right leg. The child received minor injuries.

Sgt. Scott Lustigman says she’ll be sent for additional training. Stan couldn’t be reached for a comment.

4 thoughts on “Officer accidentally tasers boy,10, during gun safety lesson

  1. “She decided to discuss gun safety on Sept. 14 because her bedroom door didn’t lock and there were children in the house.”

    It’s the children’s bedroom doors that need to be locked… and barricaded.

    From the inside.

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