Oklahoma pedophile convicted of abusing 7-year-old stepdaughter quickly becomes trans, appeals conviction

By Jarryd Jaeger – The Postmillennial

Oklahoma pedophile convicted of abusing 7-year-old stepdaughter quickly becomes trans, appeals conviction

A trans-identifying biological male convicted pedophile who was found guilty of raping his 7-year-old stepdaughter is appealing the life sentence handed down by the court, claiming that the prosecution made “improper remarks” with the label of “abuser.”

Robert William Perry II, 32, announced the transition shortly before being sentenced to life behind bars, and received gender-related concessions from the court.

According to Reduxx, Perry’s lawyers argued that the prosecution erred when they used the term “abuser,” and gave too much credence to the victim’s testimony.

“The government used the phrase ‘kids don’t make this up’ no less than three times in its initial argument,” the lawyers wrote. “Any vouching for the credibility of [the victim] or any other improper argument to unfairly bolster her credibility or diminish Perry’s would have an outsized impact on the jury here.”

Perry was arrested in 2018 and charged with several counts of child sexual abuse. An Oklahoma state court convicted Perry in 2020, but the conviction was dismissed after it was determined that, because Perry is Native American, and the crimes were committed on Muscogee territory.

The federal government retried Perry and found him guilty of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor in Indian Country and abusive sexual contact of a minor in Indian Country.

Perry was sentenced to life in prison, with the court recommending that “the defendant be placed in a facility that will allow him the opportunity to participate in the most comprehensive mental health and gender-care treatment programs.”

A subsequent press release from the Department of Justice noted that Perry “now identifies as she/her.”

According to the DOJ, Perry sexually abused the girl for a period of just over a year beginning on May 6, 2017. He was said to “coerce the young child into sex acts then ‘reward’ her with candy, other items, and the opportunity to play video games.”

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