The Technocratic Tyranny – by Vicky
In 1989, the Iron Curtain between the East and West as symbolized by the Berlin Wall came down. In 1990, East and West Germany were reunited for the first time since the end of World War II. George Herbert Walker Bush had said that a New World Order was coming into view. Now, 27 years later, it’s clear that what he was talking about was a One World Order – under Fascism/Communism (just depends on which side of the money line you’re on).
East Germany did not have the technology for Eric Honecker’s plan for Wall 2000. East Germany couldn’t even produce a decent totally mechanical car – let alone the state of the art technology for a new wall.
The technology for Wall 2000 as described in the History Channel video was West German technology. It was being developed under the EUREKA and DRIVE projects and that includes Prometheus.
On a German media website for international intellectuals, there is a video, 2 + 4 + X – A Short History of German Reunification that has the backstory of German reunification. Helmut Kohl, the West German Prime Minister engineered the events leading to the reunification of East and West Germany without the knowledge of the three western allied powers – United States, Great Britain and France. It was a brilliant gambit that paid off for Germany. Germany as Prometheus escaped the wrath of Zeus – the western allied powers.
Computer Systems Policy Project

Following the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Transportation project Mobility 2000, an informal assembly of industry, university and government representatives” founded a lobbying group by the same name to promote the use of advanced technology integrated into vehicles and the roadways.
In 1989 a consortium of Chief Executive Officers of American computer companies formed the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) “to provide the CEOs of the industry with a forum to discuss, develop and advocate public policy positions on trade and technology issues critical to the computer systems industry and country”.1
In 1999 when John Chambers of Cisco Systems joined the CSPP, there was an article on Business Wire 2 that listed the 12 CEOs of CSPP as of that date. The names of those CEOs are:
Lewis E. Platt, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Hewlett- Packard and chairman of CSPP
Richard E. Belluzzo, chairman and chief executive officer of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
John T. Chambers, president and chief executive officer of Cisco Systems, Inc
Michael S. Dell, chairman and chief executive officer of Dell Computer Corporation
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of International Business Machines Corp.
Andrew S. Grove, chairman of Intel Corporation;
Scott G. McNealy, president and chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Lars Nyberg, chairman and chief executive officer of NCR Corporation
Eckhard Pfeiffer, president and chief executive officer of Compaq Computer Corporation
Ronald L. Skates, president and chief executive officer of Data General Corporation
Lawrence A. Weinbach, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Unisys Corporation
Apple Computer, Inc.
CSPP – National Information Infrastructure Vision
Public Policy for Private Profit
Underlying Agenda for Totalitarian Control – Globally
Summary of Recommendations3
Administration Agenda
1. Make the NII a National Technology Challenge
2. Establish a National Information Infrastructure Council
3. Establish an NII Implementation Entity
4. Invest in Research for an NII
5. Fund Pilot Projects to Demonstrate Technologies
6. Develop a Public Education Program
7. Make Government Information Easily Accessible
Legislative Agenda
1. Authorize a National Information Infrastructure Council and Appropriate Funds
for its Operation
2. Authorize and Appropriate Funds for Research and Technology Demonstrations
Industry Agenda
1. Continue Investments to Develop and Deploy an NII
2. Continue to Invest in Research and Development of Applications
3. Reach Out to Other Industries
4. Promote NII Efforts
5. Develop and Participate in Pilot Projects
6. Develop NII Goals and Milestones
Finally, CSPP believes the public policy principles outlined at the end of this report
must be addressed jointly by the private sector and government before the
information infrastructure of the future can become a reality
In December 1990, the CEOs of CSPP met with Administration officials to discuss
their public policy positions on technology issues. At that meeting, CSPP was asked
to assess the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Program
and provide recommendations to increase industry’s involvement and interest.
On December 3, 1991, after almost a year of review and analysis, CSPP issued its
report and video, “Expanding the Vision of High Performance Computing and
Communications: Linking America for the Future,” concluding that the HPCC
Program is a significant and critical undertaking. It would, CSPP determined,
advance research in high performance computing and networking technologies as
well as increase the use of high performance computers to solve important science
and engineering problems. At the same time, CSPP observed that the HPCC
Program could provide a foundation for something more. If properly designed,
HPCC research could advance the development of technologies to help solve a wide
range of social and economic problems and improve the competitiveness of U.S.
industry by providing the foundation for a national communications and information
CSPP continues to support the HPCC Program and believes it should remain a national research priority. CSPP applauds the recent creation of a new, improved
management structure for the Program, which will provide a clear mechanism to
coordinate, manage, and govern the implementation of the Program and a central
point for private sector interaction. In addition, CSPP commends Senator Al Gore and Representative George Brown for introducing the Information Infrastructure Technology Act in the summer of 1992 to move the HPCC effort to a new level.
The research and technology advancements supported by the HPCC Program remain a high priority for CSPP. In October 1992, in the CSPP Agenda for the 103rd Congress, we recommended enhancing and expanding the HPCC research agenda to: 1) provide the foundation for an information and communications infrastructure of the future; 2) bring the benefits of HPCC technology to individual Americans in areas such as health care, education, and manufacturing; and 3) develop technology demonstration projects.
The National Information Infrastructure: What is it? Why is it Important
What Is It?
The infrastructure of the future is a nationwide system that will allow all Americans to take advantage of our rich resources in information, communication, and
computing technologies. It will link together a range of institutions and resources,
from schools and businesses to libraries and laboratories. More importantly, it will
link together individuals, from senior citizens and students, to health care
professionals, manufacturing managers, and business people from all fields…
Throughout its history, the United States has followed a tradition of creating underlying national foundations – infrastructures – that have fostered a quality of life in America unmatched by any nation. Our transportation, electric power, and water systems are all solid examples of this tradition. As we move into the 21st century, these existing infrastructures will continue to be important, but they, alone, will no longer be sufficient to meet our national needs.
Why Should The United States Act Now?
Other nations, including Japan, Germany, France, and Singapore are taking significant steps to upgrade their own infrastructures and have long-term plans in place to continue doing so. With U.S. industry and government working together as partners, we can build on our already strong lead in information technology to maintain our current lead, help us compete abroad, and improve our quality of life at home.
1 CSPP Expanding the Vision of High Performance Computing and Communications: Linking America for the Future, December 31, 1991,
2 CISCO Systems’ Chambers Joins CSPP, Business Wire, April 1, 1999,
3 Perspectives on the National Information Infrastructure: CSPP’s Vision & Recommendations for Action, January 1993