Oregon Garbage Collector Goes Out of His Way To Respect The American Flag

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

This is one of those stories that I don’t often get to write about. An Oregon trash collector was on his route, when he saw an American flag had blown off its pole and was scattered across the trash can. While he could have just ignored it, he instead stopped what he was doing, properly folded the flag like he’d learned to do in Boy Scouts, and returned it to its owner. A neighbor caught the admirable act and notified the trash company. The company happily released the camera footage, which has since gone viral.  

This seemingly small act, was such a touching show of patriotism and respect for our Old Glory, I just had to share this story. it shows that patriotism isn’t just for the 4th of July, but every day.


3 thoughts on “Oregon Garbage Collector Goes Out of His Way To Respect The American Flag

  1. This is one of the reasons that TPTB won’t succeed in their plans. Even someone they may consider a “lowly trash collector” knows what it is to be a patriot and to do what’s right. Not everyone is a sheep.

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