Oregon judge says all guns in U.S. should be dumped in ocean

Fellowship of the Minds

From The Oregonian: As the killer stood before him, Judge Kenneth Walkercouldn’t stay silent. “If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean,” the judge told the defendant. “Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. We could save 33,000 people a year if we didn’t have guns in this country.”

Marcell Lee Daniel Jr. had unleashed 30 bullets during an afternoon drive-by shooting of an innocent man on a North Portland sidewalk. The man, Andrew Coggins Jr., 24, died.

The judge kept going. “Australia after a major shooting rounded up all the guns,and they haven’t had near the death that we do here in this country,” he said.

The judge was referring to tighter gun controls in Australia in response to a 1996 mass shooting by a lone gunman who killed 35. Australia responded by buying back or seizing a million existing firearms and making it more difficult to buy new ones. News reports marking the 20th anniversary of gun reforms state there have been no mass shootings — defined as 5 or more people — since.

“I just saw last night a statistic that 11,000 people in America are murdered each year and another 20,000 commit suicide with guns,” Walker said, referring to figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“They are a scourge of this country and no one should have one as far as I’m concerned,” he said. “There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them. But it is a right of people in this country to own and possess them, and I will not say anything to affect that right.”

Walker, a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge for nearly 10 years and a criminal defense attorney before that for 25 years, sentenced Daniel to 17 1/2 years in prison.

Read the whole story here.


9 thoughts on “Oregon judge says all guns in U.S. should be dumped in ocean

  1. Idiots like this really piss me off.

    Guns are a right not provided by the gov and not the gov’s to take away, which they certainly will try.

    Guns primary use is to defend oneself against a tyrannical Gov.

    Secondary is another form of self defense which is in use nation wide, where the oppressive and ever intrusive gov allows, as they see fit.

    The US is a nation of laws that only apply to the citizenry, not the gov nor it’s select few. That is straight forward tyranny.

  2. *** “Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. We could save 33,000 people a year if we didn’t have guns in this country.” ***

    At least he didn’t make an exception for the pigs.

    *** “There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them.” ***

    How about the fact that guns allow people to defend themselves against aggressors who are much larger, more numerous, and/or armed with weapons such as knives?

    If everyone has guns, including both good and bad people, the playing field is STILL more level than it would be if no one had guns.

    Whatever. This is all an idealistic dream. Might as well wish for no weapons at all to exist. Throw in world peace while you’re at it.

  3. WTF? What has happened to Oregon? They’re getting to be space cadets like Jerry Brown of California. Must be the mushrooms out in the forest.

    1. Too many Oregonians have come here from Commiefornia. They come here, live for a month, put Oregon plates on their cars, and they think this place belongs to them. I guess we’ll have to see about that, won’t we?
      And it is the mushrooms out in the cow pastures, and I tell you, they don’t make you a communist, though you might think of some interesting things to do to a communist while contemplating in such a state.

  4. Me thinks Mr. Walker needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

    (Notice how I didn’t use “Judge” when referring to him. Basically I’m saying he doesn’t deserve honorifics)

  5. “If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean,” the judge told the defendant.”

    And what’s your brilliant plan for when the Chinese & Russians walk right in, knowing EVERYONE is disarmed, dipsh#t?

    “Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody.”

    I’m amenable to THAT part. Start with the pigs… and let us know when THEY’RE all disarmed. We’ll be down right after that to turn in ours. 🙄

    “There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them.”

    I sincerely hope this retard fostered no progeny. Anyone THIS stupid should be sterilized.

    Even at ‘taxpayer expense’, it would be mammon well spent.

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