Oregon occupier freed from jail, barred from contact with husband


One of the final four militants arrested in the armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon was granted a pretrial release from jail on Friday on condition that she avoid contact with any of her co-defendants, including her husband.

Sandra Anderson, 47, along with her spouse, Sean Anderson, 48; Jeff Banta, 46; and the very last holdout, David Fry, 27; surrendered peacefully to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Feb. 11, ending a 41-day standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in remote eastern Oregon.  

The four holdouts were indicted the prior week along with 12 others previously arrested, including protest leader Ammon Bundy, on charges of conspiring to impede federal officers during the occupation.

A 13th participant in the protest who acted as a spokesman for the group, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, was shot dead during a confrontation with the FBI and state police on a snow-covered roadside on Jan. 27.

The takeover at Malheur, which began on Jan. 2, was sparked by the return to prison of two Oregon ranchers convicted of setting fires that spread to federal property near the refuge. The occupation also was directed as a protest against federal control over millions of acres of public land in the West.

Under terms of her court-ordered release, Anderson is required to find and maintain full-time employment or approved schooling, or a combination of the two, as directed by pretrial services officials.

She also is barred from owning or possessing firearms, traveling outside of Oregon or her home state of Idaho without prior approval, or having any contact with her co-defendants, including her spouse, who remains incarcerated.

She was required to undergo mental evaluation and counseling at the direction of the U.S. Pretrial Services Office.

At the time of his surrender, Sean Anderson had a warrant out for his arrest in his previous home state of Wisconsin on misdemeanor charges from 2014 of resisting an officer, marijuana possession and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to court records.

(Reporting by Steve Gorman; Editing by Leslie Adler)


8 thoughts on “Oregon occupier freed from jail, barred from contact with husband

  1. “She was required to undergo mental evaluation and counseling at the direction of the U.S. Pretrial Services Office”… RE EDUCATION……..LOL

  2. If we had our courts in place, in this present climate of things, she, as well as all the others, would be out of jail, actually, would never have gone to jail.

    Like David Fry said,” Hillary’s a felon yet she runs for president.”

  3. Why didn’t they just cut out her tongue for Christ’s sake.
    Telling a woman not to say anything is like asking a new mom not to tell new mothers that diapers are two for one on sale at Wal-Mart.
    That girl is gonna talk.
    Better get her protection.

  4. You can bet there’s a tail on this one. They will never let her out of their sight. She will have a shadow, like she has never had before.

    1. Yes, she will have a shadow. Those still in jail, will have an informant moved into their cells. It is standard operating procedure for the lowlife swine of the FBI. Good of you to point it out!

  5. “co-defendants”?
    what? they don’t all get their own trials?

    full-time employment?
    good luck.

    cant posses a gun while not actually being prosecuted of a crime?
    funny I dont see that in any constitution I have read.

  6. “… on condition that she avoid contact with any of her co-defendants, including her husband.
    “Under terms of her court-ordered release, Anderson is required to find and maintain full-time employment or approved schooling, or a combination of the two, as directed by pretrial services officials.”
    “She also is barred from owning or possessing firearms, traveling outside of Oregon or her home state of Idaho without prior approval, or having any contact with her co-defendants, including her spouse, who remains incarcerated.”
    “She was required to undergo mental evaluation and counseling at the direction of the U.S. Pretrial Services Office.”

    They have ZERO authority to impose ANY of those ‘conditions’!

  7. Sounds like a Divorce to me.
    Courtesy of the State.
    Now it’s just a matter of dividing the assets and carpetbagging the leftovers.
    Those rat bassturds.

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